another rattling question ??


PMA Member
I am hunting early season muzzeloader. I have had mixed results at best with rattling in the past. I don't know if I'm rattling too hard, too soft, too much, or not enough. Does anyone has any good tips on rattling or even when too throw in a grunt or two. The only time I've ever used a grunt call is to stop a deer for a shot. But I know they are effective at bringing them in.
i think that alot depends on your buck to doe ratio, i started rattling last year and had incredible success. i would rattle verry aggressively, usually i would find a brush pile or some sort of debris to set up in, start it off with a few soft grunts, wait a while then get the grunts more aggressive and try to make it sound like two diffrent bucks grunting, them start rattling, i would rattle hard and smash the horns together, (even broke a point off) then kick the brush and make as much noise as i could. running around and kicking so it sounds like a fitting circle. then finish it off by one buck running away and the other one stomping the ground and grunting, then rubbing his antlers on a tree to sound his success and dominance. last year i averaged better that 60% of the time bringing in bucks beween Oct 25 to Nov 22, but this is what works for me in the area that i hunt, and like i said i am just starting to rattle and learn about it. good luck and shoot to kill