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another red 'yote


Well-Known Member
Back in high school I shot this big male 'yote. The guys I was running the 'yotes with said they were going to throw it in the ditch because the color was worthless for selling the hide. Was big old male, pushing 40-45 pounds, with grizzled ears and such. Rather than see him go into the ditch I skinned him and had him tanned.

Imagine if he'd of had a run in with that female you shot huntcrazy, pups would've been beautiful.

That IS pretty Muddy, I cant imagine the hide not being worth anything, unless that was the market at the time. I know last year the western extra pales were carrying the highest price from the buyers. I guess it just depends on what the fad is at the time. I hope mine turns out as good as yours did, thanks for sharing.
It was around '94 when I got him. Didn't really matter what I could've got for him, I knew he was getting tanned and staying in my house. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

Nice red yote muddy. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


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Back in 1994, my collie/irish setter/german sheperd mix dog dissappeared and now all these years later his skin shows up here on Iowa whitetail. Poooor Pooor fluffy. I write this through flowing tears.

He made it all the way down to eastern Iowa. I can send the band (collar) back if you want.
Yup... Eastern Iowa, that's where I lost him. Forget the collar, you can just just keep wearing it.
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