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Anyone ever have this happen?

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Well-Known Member
I had a mature 4.5yr old Buck 10pt named Big Bohi and there was a Doe bedded right by the road and he would not leave the thing. I yelled and the Doe wouldn't run.

EDIT: It was at 8:30pm, so I couldn't shoot them.
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This is something a 14yr old pry hasn't experienced yet, you see young lad during the rut, one thing is on these deer's minds and that's it :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. When he has found his mate, he is at her discretion, similar to that of us guys. When you get yourself a girlfriend you will soon find out that what she says goes.
This is something a 14yr old pry hasn't experienced yet, you see young lad during the rut, one thing is on these deer's minds and that's it :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. When he has found his mate, he is at her discretion, similar to that of us guys. When you get yourself a girlfriend you will soon find out that what she says goes.

When mama's happy, everyone's happy! :moon:
She was probably exhausted from being chased and she knows that if she gets up he is going to harrass her again. Sometimes exhaustion will make them do things they wouldn't otherwise do.
She was probably exhausted from being chased and she knows that if she gets up he is going to harrass her again. Sometimes exhaustion will make them do things they wouldn't otherwise do.

Yeah, I desided to go and hunt right were she was. Sure enough he came within 20 yards of me and ran away because he saw the Doe. The Doe bedded down in the corn after running 100 yards and the buck chased her. It was so cool being so close to a Deer like that! Saw 5 Does and 1 Buck. I was glad I was able to go out atleast once this week.
how do you still have a buck tag? Thought you gunned one down during youth season, shot a few (and found one) with your bow already?

Guessing here, but this is what I assume. The youth tag is a bonus hunt tag, then a young hunter such as Teenagehunter can buy a regular archery season tag as well as get a landowner permit as his father owns or rents the farm ground. Just my assumption.
So youth tag filled, bow tag filled... which would leave one landowner tag, which is antlerless, correct?
I believe if he is useing the landowner tag that would be either sex and he can still get a shotgun or mloader either sex also.
I believe if he is useing the landowner tag that would be either sex and he can still get a shotgun or mloader either sex also.

Thats correct. Youth hunters that are kids of landowners can pile in the tags if they know the system.
I believe if he is useing the landowner tag that would be either sex and he can still get a shotgun or mloader either sex also.

I think we talked about this already? I have a Doe tag, Landowner Youth Antlerless, Reg. Youth Tag. I don't think I can get a landowner any-sex Bow Buck, just a reg. I used my Landowner tag on my Youth Buck (bad idea...won't do that again). I can still get a Shotgun reg tag any-sex. I wish I had my camera on me, would have got a few good pictures :/ saw him again tonight in the same spot with the Doe. Bet you anything he'll be there tomorrow! Should get a Bow for my Dad :D
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... I wish I had my camera on me, would have got a few good pictures :/ saw him again tonight in the same spot with the Doe. Bet you anything he'll be there tomorrow! Should get a Bow for my Dad :D

Cell phone pics would have worked. What Teenage Hunter doesn't have one of those 24/7?
Cell phone pics would have worked. What Teenage Hunter doesn't have one of those 24/7?

One of those few kids who doesn't always have it 24/7. I did have it though, the battery said it was low and I can't take pictures when it is.
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