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anyone get a picture of this buck at the Classic?



Hey everyone, I'm looking for a picture of a certain buck that was at the Classic. It was in the Big Buck Contest, and looked to be a custom mount that had the deer in a full-sneak pose, no turn, with the head cocked at an angle so the antlers were diagonal, at about a 45-degree angle to the ground. I have a particular buck I want to get mounted in that pose, and I'd like to be able to show my taxidermist a picture of it to have something to go on. I should have taken a picture, but didn't .... do any of you have one of this buck??
Hey Madison, thanks for the picture. Unfortunately, I don't think I see the deer. I see one off to the left that looks like it's head is slightly cocked, but the one I remember I think was in the second row of bucks on the wall. I sure appreciate your help and the picture!!
Re: anyone get a picture of this buck at the Class

Kansan, Have you checked different taxidermy suppliers? Some of them have online catalogs. Maybe you can find what you want there. If not ask the question on Taxidermy.net. Someone there can probably help.
Re: anyone get a picture of this buck at the Class

Kansan, ShovelBuck is right... you should check out mckenzie taxidermy (www.mckenziesp.com) they have several free catalogs available for anyone whose interested.
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