Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Anyone know anything about this guys method?


just curious if anyone knows anything about this gerald carlson guy( www.deersheddog.com ) and his method of traing your dog to shed hunt. i have a lab puppy arriving tomorrow
i am trying to find as much info as i can on this. or if you know of someone else who also has a very effective method let me know! thanx

not sure about him, but there is a new sponsor to the site that trains shed hunting to dogs and owners I believe.
Good Luck
i have two labs that shed hunt and will fetch beer out of the frig. I have seen the price to train your dog to find sheds...very,very expensive. I would'nt think about paying that much $$$. P.M me and I'll give you a few pointers that is very easy and fun for the dog to learn to find sheds. good luck!
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