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Anyone shoot a Traditions?


PMA Member
Been looking at some of the new muzzleloaders for 14 yr old stepson and think I have settled on the Traditions Pursuit reaper combo. On sale at Basspro for $280. Just wandered if anyone has any input on Traditions. Seem to be a good gun for the money with alot of good reviews.
I bought a traditions vortek 2 yrs ago because it was the nicest one I could find for the amount of money and I have no complaints
I have done research on them and they seem to have great reviews and you get a lot for the money your paying for them good choice or if you were wondering on something else Knight rifles are really great guns too. I have one and really like it thats why I havent bought a traditions yet but in the future Im sure I will get one.
I have a Vortek and my wife used to have a Buckstalker. No complaints with either of them, but I sold my wife's Buckstalker and got her an Accura. I bought myself a Knight for Christmas and now have the Vortek for backup. The Vortek is a good 200 yard rifle.
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