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Apple trees


PMA Member
Does anyone have any experience with planting apple trees for deer? Can you plant some small trees and have them survive long enough to fruit in places where there is a high deer population or will they chewed or rubbed too much?

I suppose a person could fence them off too...

Any experiences or ideas guys, just shout.
if you plant them i would definately fence them off. a buddy of mine planted some really nice white pines around his cabin, the first year after he planted them they all got rubbed off halfway up. now instead of a bunch of sweet looking pines out his window he has a bunch of shrubbery!! they're growing out really nice, just not up!!!

we had an earlier post regarding appletrees, i think limb chicken posted it, but i can't remember correctly.
Daver, I have planted 7 trees among some older apple trees this spring. The nursery where I got mine said to plant 2 different kinds so they pollinate each other. I used 5ft high wolven wire and fence posts to go around each tree. The deer have been leaning on the wire and eating the buds and leaves off the trees. If I was to do it over, I would use longer fence posts and put a strand of barbed wire on top. I am also thinking of putting dryer sheets on the trees. I hear that it keeps them away.
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