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AR Help?


So I was the lucky guy that won an AR at a pheasants forever banquet. Now I need help. I have very little money invested in it so I figured I might as well spend a little on it to set it up right.

It is a DPMS LR308T. I just want to know what you guys would do if it was your gun? I know a lot of you will say trade it and get a .223 or .243 but they kill you on trade in and I might as well work with what I have.

I plan on getting a good scope maybe a couple extra/bigger clips and a few other things. Any info on style of scopes brands anything like that would be appreciated. I took a picture with my phone but it isnt the best. The camo is lost camo.
I would definitely keep the .308 caliber. I have one on order as we speak. You can buy ammo in bulk cheaper than any other caliber out there, great coyote gun, awesome deer gun, and a cheap gun to just get out and shoot.

On the .223 cal AR we have, we have a burris scope, 2x8x32. Awesome scope for the gun, give you an extremely wide field of view for running game such as coyotes. I think I will probably use that same scope on the .308 caliber as well.

Luepold and Nikon both make great scopes for AR type rifles. I would go somewhere, where you can check them all out and make your won dicision on it. Those are great guns, enjoy it!
I cant tell if it has a muzzle break or just a standard flash hider. If it is just a flash hider than you should consider getting a muzzle break/compensator for it. It would reduce the felt recoil and muzzle jump to help regain sight picture for quicker follow up shots on running game as well as just make if easier and more fun to shoot. One good break to consider is the Precision Weapons Systems FSC30 its a muzzel break/flash suppressor and as far as I know the only one made with a money back guarantee if youre not satisfied with how it performs. Heres a link to there site.

A couple PWS FSC30 demo videos


Another thing that you can do to reduce felt recoil and improve the cycling of the gun is to add a Wolff Extra Power buffer spring. This will make the bolt return to the closed position faster and with more force which will help ensure its fully closed and cycled each shot and the extra spring tension will reduce the felt recoil as well as reduce or eliminate the "twangy" sound that factory buffer springs make. Wolff also makes standard, reduced, and extra power springs for anything on an AR heres a link to them

As far as optics you need to decide if you want magnification or not. If not than an EO Tech or Aimpoint is a great sight. I love the Aimpoint I have on my slug gun but since a rifle shoots quite a bit better and flatter I would want some magnification to take advantage of that. Just dont be fooled like I was I ordered a Burris Electro-dot thinking that I could turn it down to its lowest magnification and light up the reticle and use it like it was a red dot but unfortunatly the illuminated reticle just isnt bright enough to be useful unless youre in a low light setting. Ive tried mine on its brightest setting during both mid day sun shine and even on an overcast day and the cross hairs just appeared black you couldnt even tell the light was on until you went into a dark area...so needless to say that scopes going back.
If you do decide to buy optics for it give gunrunner on here a chance to see if he can get what you want hes got really good prices and hes a hell of a nice guy to deal with if he cant get what you want then find the scope you want, search all over the net to find the lowest advertised price you can find and then take that price to www.swfa.com they will beat any advertised price on anything they carry.
I would definitely keep the .308 caliber. I have one on order as we speak. You can buy ammo in bulk cheaper than any other caliber out there, great coyote gun, awesome deer gun, and a cheap gun to just get out and shoot.

On the .223 cal AR we have, we have a burris scope, 2x8x32. Awesome scope for the gun, give you an extremely wide field of view for running game such as coyotes. I think I will probably use that same scope on the .308 caliber as well.

Luepold and Nikon both make great scopes for AR type rifles. I would go somewhere, where you can check them all out and make your won dicision on it. Those are great guns, enjoy it!

.308 is definately a great round... but cheapest it is not. It doesnt even compare as far as price compared to my 7.62x39mm AR-15 I can get 500rounds of soft point hunting ammo for under $125

Ill still give the .308 the win because the 7.62 just wont touch it in power or trajectory, but the 7.62 is cheap and fun to shoot and still big enough to hunt anything around here
Your right, its not the "cheapest" ammo, but 500 rounds for 175 bucks isn't bad for a caliber that is good out to 1000 yards. As far as "big" calibers (30 cal and up), the .308 is the greatest round there is, in my personal opinion.

.223 ammo is cheap as well, but what I have found out with the cheapo ammo in the .223 caliber is, it really dirties up my gun, and I have alot of misfire's with it as well.
I think we need a black rifle forum on here! :D
I have never shot a .308, but anyone that I have talked to says they are the cat's pajamas. Congrats on winning that gun, it looks awesome.
As far as optics go, I would look for something that is versatile. Something like a 4.5-14 would be awesome on that gun. When I coyote hunt, I walk with mine on the lowest setting possible, but it is nice to be able to crank it up to a higher power when needed.
Do not put cheap rings on that gun if you can help it. Good rings are just as important as a good scope.
Congrats again on winning, and happy shooting.
Thanks for the replies. I have been doing a lot of looking and think that I want to go with a Tromix shark muzzle break. It just has the standard flash guard on it now. I am wondering about a buttstock. What can I get to make the butt of the gun longer? It feels short when I hold it up now but I also dont want to lose the camo look. Can I get a sliding butt extension or something that is still in the lost camo? Thanks again for the help.
I have a DPMS .LR .308. Keep it! They are tack drivers, low recoil, and perfect for late season anterless or predator hunting....not to mention for zombie hunting when the world's infrastructure collapses.
Get the best glass you can afford, or are willing to spend.



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