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Archery Deer Season Begins


Life Member

From the Iowa DNR:

Bowhunters Heading for the Woods as Archery Deer Season Begins
Posted: September 30, 2009

CHARITON, Iowa - Iowa becomes the center of the deer hunting world on October 1, when the archery deer hunting season begins.

Approximately 55,000 hunters participate in the season each year and so far, more than 22,000 archery season licenses have been sold. The archery deer season runs from Oct. 1 - Dec. 4, closes for the two shotgun seasons, then opens again from Dec. 21 - Jan. 10.

During the first few weeks of the season, hunters often find the best success hunting near food sources, such as alfalfa, other varieties of clover and especially acorns, or trails leading to and from them.

The early portions of the season are great for harvesting does and putting some fine venison in the freezer. Surveys indicate that while deer numbers are declining throughout most of central, southern, and northeastern Iowa, densities are still above objectives.

Last year, 42 percent of the 21,819 deer bowhunters reported harvesting were does. Since a mature doe provides as much meat as a young buck, hunters should consider passing up these antlered animals in favor of harvesting a doe.

Many of Iowa's urban areas and some state parks offer special hunts that bowhunters can participate in. Contact the organization listed in the hunting regulation brochure for additional requirements. Hunters may donate any legally harvested deer to the Iowa Food Bank through the HUSH program (Help Us Stop Hunger). Last year more than 7,300 deer were donated to the program resulting in about 300,000 pounds of boneless meat.

Safety Note

Tree stand safety is important for bowhunters since most will use tree stands during the season. Hunters should inspect all of their gear to make sure it is in good condition and working properly and never get into a tree stand without a safety harness on. They should also replace any older, one-piece, belt-type harness with one of the modern harnesses.

Archery Season

Hunting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. All hunters are reminded that if an antlered deer is killed, the transportation tag must be placed on the animal's antler. It is recommended that the tag be placed on the antler beam either at the base or between two points.

All deer taken must be reported using the harvest reporting system by midnight the day after the deer is recovered. Accurately reporting your kill is an important deer management tool. Hunters can report their deer on the DNR website www.iowadnr.gov), by calling the toll free reporting number (1-800-771-4692), or at any license vendor. For hunters with Internet access, the online reporting of your harvest is the easiest way to register your deer.
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Great info once again Blake...Good luck to everyone this year.
"Approximately 55,000 hunters participate in the season each year and so far, more than 22,000 archery season licenses have been sold."

Does this mean that 33,000 of you are procrastinating?
Densities are not above my objectives,,in my part of Southern Iowa. I'd like to see a few more! Shooting does now,,is like shooting buck, "Bait".
Procrastinating? Yes,,I don't get the urge until the end of Oct. Chigger itching means it is difficult to sit still! And they are still out there.
Good luck to everyone and be safe!! We are heading down there Friday for the weekend!! Cannot wait!!
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