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Archery Exercises



...I have been increasing the poundage of my bow the last few days to flatten my trajectory & my shoulder is feeling the effects...is there any type of exercises (other than 'bending-the-bow')that can help strengthen my archery-muscles?...
Hershy, I’m recovering from a shoulder injury, my doc says it’s a rotator cuff imbalance from shooting. It had bothered me some for a few years til last year the only way I could shoot was to turn my bow way down. Anyway, the exercises I’m doing to correct the problem would probably be good for any archer as they strengthen your shoulders and would help to make sure that injury doesn’t happen to them.

Lie on your side comfortably and bend your arm at a 90 degree angle and put your elbow on your waist. Using a dumbbell (5 or 10 lbs at first) raise your hand while keeping your elbow at the waist. You can really feel it in your shoulder. Do three sets of 10.

The other one you stand and hold the dumbbells at your side and keeping your arms straight, slowly raise your arms to a 30 degree angle, then lower. Do three sets of 10 of these also.

He said it would take a long time to recover and he was right, but my shoulder is getting way better. Not too long ago it still hurt to open a sliding glass door.

Hope I explained these alright. Don’t forget to stretch a lot. Hope this helps.
There is a good article in the June / July issue of "Traditional Bowhunter" magazine specifically about strengthening archery muscles and joints. It is called "Strong Like The Bull" and written by G. Fred Asbel. It will be on the magazine racks until August.
If you have an old push mower, you can take the spark plug out and crank on the starting cord for 20 min a day. Same motion that the bow draw is, and the wife will think you are working
Hershey,what about the gal,she don't get a thank you also,after that long informative reply?
That's allright. I know what he meant... I say 'guys' to mixed groups all the time. Besides, I'm kinda just one of the "guys" here anyway.
I was more or less just joking with Hershey.I often find myself rephrasing the start of posts from,Do any of you guys,to Do any of you,just like to include everyone,that's all.
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