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Are hunters changing kind of upsets me


Well-Known Member
This is for all you hunters complaining about younger generations comming onto your so called land to hunt. You guys sit there and talk about this so called fueled to hunt because of these tv shows and all that blaa blaa blaa and you guys remember a day when shooting a deer was a trophy but you guys are talking in the next sentence about passing a deer because he was only 130 and needed a year to grow. This is all crap. If you honestly wanted to pass this sport down you wouldnt be running your mouth about how you got kids hunting the same property looking to wound deer or ruin your hunt. Did you ever think that they just might have walked to the front door and knocked just like you did years before them and ask. If you dont like it go lease your own ground or buy some dont put your misfortunes on someone who just loves spending time in the outdoors like you do.
This is for all you hunters complaining about younger generations comming onto your so called land to hunt. You guys sit there and talk about this so called fueled to hunt because of these tv shows and all that blaa blaa blaa and you guys remember a day when shooting a deer was a trophy but you guys are talking in the next sentence about passing a deer because he was only 130 and needed a year to grow. This is all crap. If you honestly wanted to pass this sport down you wouldnt be running your mouth about how you got kids hunting the same property looking to wound deer or ruin your hunt. Did you ever think that they just might have walked to the front door and knocked just like you did years before them and ask. If you dont like it go lease your own ground or buy some dont put your misfortunes on someone who just loves spending time in the outdoors like you do.

State your complaint clearly and respectfully and you might just get a good conversation going!:way:
All I would say to that is: Have you ever had someone poaching a deer you shot or was watching on your ground and suddenly you have "fellow hunters" getting permission to sit in even though they know you are In there? How would you feel then? Then when you approach the hunter to explain what you've neen doing, instead of getting a polite response, you get a F.U. type response? That's happen to me several times, more and more as the years go on. It's also happening to more people I know. Unfortunately in every case, sadly the other hunter is under the ages of 20-24. I know there are great younger hunters, Im not saying all are bad. But I am saying that once you experience this situation over and over, I guarantee you too would formulate a certain opinion too. I'm trying to explain this in the best way I can and am not bitter or angry and am not accusing you of doing this at all as I don't know you from "Adam"
My opinion on the subject is not so much that hunters are changing, but people are changing. There is no respect for others, no common courtesy, and no morals that were taught years ago. This coming from a 23 year old who currently works retail and has to deal with people on a daily basis. Manners are gone in basically everyone, except a few. I can see it in people my age prodominantly, but it covers all age ranges.
My opinion on the subject is not so much that hunters are changing, but people are changing. There is no respect for others, no common courtesy, and no morals that were taught years ago. This coming from a 23 year old who currently works retail and has to deal with people on a daily basis. Manners are gone in basically everyone, except a few. I can see it in people my age prodominantly, but it covers all age ranges.

Very nicely stated.
i run into just as many disrespectful older folks as people my own age, its kind of annoying when people just blatanly toos the statement out that its the younger generation that are disrespectful and so on and so forth when it isn't the case
I have run into more A-holes that are a lot older than me then younger. I do know that. Not many people have respect when out hunting it seems. It sad that you can't even tell many people about what you seen that day for fear of someone moving in. The other morning I accidentally set up within 150 yards of two guys hunting on some public ground. I was in there and set up about a half hour before they arrived. I simply hunted that morning and won't go back. Its not that tough.
All I would say to that is: Have you ever had someone poaching a deer you shot or was watching on your ground and suddenly you have "fellow hunters" getting permission to sit in even though they know you are In there? How would you feel then? Then when you approach the hunter to explain what you've neen doing, instead of getting a polite response, you get a F.U. type response? That's happen to me several times, more and more as the years go on. It's also happening to more people I know. Unfortunately in every case, sadly the other hunter is under the ages of 20-24. I know there are great younger hunters, Im not saying all are bad. But I am saying that once you experience this situation over and over, I guarantee you too would formulate a certain opinion too. I'm trying to explain this in the best way I can and am not bitter or angry and am not accusing you of doing this at all as I don't know you from "Adam"

If you have honestly had a F.U. type response happen to you "several times" then I think it is time to look in the mirror. You are the only common denominator in that scenario. I have bow hunted for over 20 years and have never had a conversation with another hunter that wasn't completely civil and polite. If you are consistently getting a hostile response, then I'm guessing that is the same way your words are coming off to them.
If you have honestly had a F.U. type response happen to you "several times" then I think it is time to look in the mirror. You are the only common denominator in that scenario. I have bow hunted for over 20 years and have never had a conversation with another hunter that wasn't completely civil and polite. If you are consistently getting a hostile response, then I'm guessing that is the same way your words are coming off to them.

That's not how I operate. I always try the polite angle first. I have looked in the mirror. Consider yourself lucky that everyone you deal with is civil & polite.
This is for all you hunters complaining about younger generations comming onto your so called land to hunt. You guys sit there and talk about this so called fueled to hunt because of these tv shows and all that blaa blaa blaa and you guys remember a day when shooting a deer was a trophy but you guys are talking in the next sentence about passing a deer because he was only 130 and needed a year to grow. This is all crap. If you honestly wanted to pass this sport down you wouldnt be running your mouth about how you got kids hunting the same property looking to wound deer or ruin your hunt. Did you ever think that they just might have walked to the front door and knocked just like you did years before them and ask. If you dont like it go lease your own ground or buy some dont put your misfortunes on someone who just loves spending time in the outdoors like you do.

My so- called land to hunt is mine!! I will pass a 130 cause I been doing it for 33 years!! And the problem now is you have all the super hunters on TV taking 30 yd. plus shots, gut shooting animals and telling how fast they are down!!!!!! You bet!!!!!!!! I have no problem loving the outdoors! But!! It's 2011! Knocking on doors is not gonna get you much!! Flinging arrows at animals at long ranges will get you about the same!!! :thrwrck: If you like being in the outdoors........ pick walnuts! It will hurt alot less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drink2:
My so- called land to hunt is mine!! I will pass a 130 cause I been doing it for 33 years!! And the problem now is you have all the super hunters on TV taking 30 yd. plus shots, gut shooting animals and telling how fast they are down!!!!!! You bet!!!!!!!! I have no problem loving the outdoors! But!! It's 2011! Knocking on doors is not gonna get you much!! Flinging arrows at animals at long ranges will get you about the same!!! If you like being in the outdoors........ pick walnuts! It will hurt alot less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well consider yourself lucky. I knock on doors and kill good deer with plenty of other people hunting the same property. I look at it as more of a challenge i wasnt calling people out that pass deer i was calling people out that run their mouth about how younger hunters are changing. And even if a tv personality makes a bad shot at 30 yards not everyone can be as good of a shot as you. Congrats you pass deer so the next year there bigger. And as for as the poaching goes thats a whole other story nobody knocks and ask people if they can poach on there land. Poachers are out there and always will be. I tried picking walnuts at some point it seems more challenging than hunting deer, i actually have been watching a batch im saving till next year hoping they will grow that is if nobody poaches them first.
I think I understand where you are coming from Bowtech. The point I tried to make in my post was that it was an "older" hunter who created the problems for me by using a younger hunter. I even stated that a lack of class is not age specific. I also stated that I am civil with the "younger" hunter. We communicate with each other on how things are going during our seasons, I just do not communicate with the instigator of the problem. The younger hunter asks to hunt my farm every year during 2nd shotgun and I always oblige. It is a free world and I may have p/o'ed someone years ago. But at no point in my life did I ever knowingly hunt on top of anyone.

I was simply relaying my experience to support the OP, make sense?
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i hunt on state ground and i had my tree stands up early september then i talk to some guys that hunt out there to and they said is ur tree stand and i said yes then they said well i have just north of u and west of u...so i go looking 1 day its 125 yards north of me and 150 yards west of me...thats what u say no respect for other hunters...i know its state land but there is alot of state land...just my experince
I don't know if it's really a generation thing. I'm 26 and have been bow hunting since I was 12 y/o. The first deer I took was a doe at 12. I've pretty much gone exclusively bow except for late muzzy if the weather is right (COLD and SNOW). I work my butt off on public land (aerial scouting, lots of boot time) and would not consider myself a trophy hunter. I really just enjoy being out, seeing deer, and eating the meat. I'm happy with two nice does each year with the bow. Of course I'd take a buck when I can, and have shot a few decent bucks.

There's nothing wrong with passing up bucks for them to grow. We should all try if we have the time to do so. But, since I hunt public land I know I may not see that deer again, so if I want to shoot (and have a tag to do so) I will. There's nothing wrong with any LEGAL deer.

I'm very careful about who I tell about my hunting spots. I normally will say I'm hunting public and the county, but that's it. The person you tell may not go out there, but their brother, brother in law, cousin, etc will. Public land is a different animal and good spots can be hard to come by.

I wish I could afford to buy 200 acres of prime timber, but I can't. So, I put in the time and effort with what I've got. Most guys are nice when you talk to them, but some of them just want to know your 'spot'.
i hunt on state ground and i had my tree stands up early september then i talk to some guys that hunt out there to and they said is ur tree stand and i said yes then they said well i have just north of u and west of u...so i go looking 1 day its 125 yards north of me and 150 yards west of me...thats what u say no respect for other hunters...i know its state land but there is alot of state land...just my experince

doesn't the law say you can only have a stand on public ground one week before season?
i hunt on state ground and i had my tree stands up early september then i talk to some guys that hunt out there to and they said is ur tree stand and i said yes then they said well i have just north of u and west of u...so i go looking 1 day its 125 yards north of me and 150 yards west of me...thats what u say no respect for other hunters...i know its state land but there is alot of state land...just my experince

And your point is???? not like he is setting up in the same tree. 125N-150W yards is a long way in the timber, especially if it was early when they set up their stands too, would have never seen your stands there when placing theirs. That type of distance they could easily see and be on deer you will not see from your vantage point and vice versa. Also, even though not very ethical, there is nothing stopping someone else from sitting in your stand if your not in it.....just saying. I wouldn't do it, but have seen it done.
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