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<font color="red"> The Whitetail Fanatic magazine is the definitive source hunters turn to for information about deer hunting, deer hunting products, deer management and the people who live the deer hunting lifestyle. Whitetail Fanatic is designed for the passionate deer hunting enthusiasts. The unique format captures the defining moments and great events in a deer hunter's life.


Now, Whitetail Fanatic has partnered with iowawhitetail.com to offer our readers a fantastic deal on subscriptions to the popular magazine. The great news is that iowawhitetails.com has negotiated a special rate exclusively for our readers allowing you to get superb rates on this great publication. You will save a minimum of $5.00 by printing this form. and subscribing now! Subscribe for additional years and save even more! As an added bonus, Whitetail Fanatic is giving away a Canadian Trophy Whitetail Hunt and a few Knight Muzzleloaders. Don't hesitate! Take advantage of this special offer by filling out this form.</font>
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