Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

are you SURE you wouldn't shoot a cougar?

It was 10 feet away and didn't attack. I think that about says it all.
NO! I still wouldn't shoot one unless I was threatened. A lion hiding in fear under a trailer doesn't sound very threatening to me.
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I wouldn't have waited for the game warden. If it's confident enought to be in my barn I'm confident enough to kill it.
I find it odd that these things go into out buldings like this. The one that was shot over here in Marengo earlier this year had been in all the out buildings except the machine shed on the guy's farm.
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well yeah shovel, that cat would have been scared of you. do you think it would have stayed put if that dude's grandkid was out in the barnyard all alone? too risky
I've read the article over again and still can't find a reference to the ranchers grand kids or that the cat was "crouched"

Main Entry: crouch
Pronunciation: \ˈkrau̇ch\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English
Date: 14th century
intransitive verb 1 a : to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs <a sprinter crouched ready to go> b : to lie close to the ground with the legs bent <a pair of cats, crouching on the brink of a fight — Aldous Huxley>
2 : to bend or bow servilely : cringe
3 : to stand at a low height <cottages crouched along the river>transitive verb : to bow especially in humility or fear : bend
crouch noun

Opinions were asked and given. Have a nice day.;)

I'd likely shoot one if it were in my yard but that's about the only place I would.

If it had wanted to kill that man, he'd be dead.
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