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Area preparation for pear/apple tree planting


PMA Member
I've recently purchased five fruit trees: improved kieffer (sp?) pear, sugar pear, arkansas black, red rome beauty, and a transcendant crabapple for a pollenator. I have lots of cedars /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif to clear, lime to spread a ground to work. My question is with these varietes am I'm going to have a lot of trouble with red cedar rust? I'm sure the rust will travel some distance, how far? I guess I should have done a little more homework before ordering. I told the sales rep I wanted disease resistant varieties, but ordering from Willis Orchard, I'm not sure how knowledgeable the gal was with what I'm trying to accomplish.
I don't think Cedar Rust will hurt production or the trees, just blemishes the fruit. I have lots of red cedars around, I have seen the galls and most likely have Cedar Rust on my apples, not a problem. I didn't know Delicious apple trees were more resistant.

The link says kill all Cedars within 2-5 miles, yeah, right.....
Thanks for the info. I see that I did okay with the Ark. Black, but not so good with the Red Rome. We're planting these trees 99% simply for deer draw, during a good year I might eat one or two on the way to the stand, but the fruit trees we plan to harvest from will be closer to the house. Actually the farmers in our area would love me to death if I killed all the cedars 2-5 miles around, maybe I'd pick up some new access. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
If you are good with keeping the deer and rabbits/mice away from trees AND you keep the weeds clear around trees PLUS you keep the bugs from eating all the leaves...
That's the most important part AND the most crucial elements the 1st 5 years. I'd worry bout other stuff after that and concentrate on those elements while getting started.
Skip, I'm sure this is covered on some of the others threads but I'm feeling a little lazy today. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif What kind of pesticide do you apply to your trees?
Make this EASY on yourself!!! Go to Tractor Supply OR Earl May. Tell them you want general fruit tree spray. It has several chemicals in it for various reasons. Spray every 2 weeks. 3 weeks is the latest I'd go in between sprayings. I'd FOR SURE do this the 1st 5 years OR you'll have bugs and caterpillers eat all the leaves off several of your trees. Past then it's up to you how important it is to you. Have fun!

MAKE SURE you keep the trunks of the trees wrapped through out winter. You could wrap them now. If you DON'T protect trees from rabbits, etc- they will be KILLED in one year, CRUCIAL!!!! 2' feet up from bottom better be 100% protected!!!
Thanks Skip, I'll be putting aluminum window screen on my trees (loosely of course) to keep the little critters at bay, and hogwire to keep the big critters at bay. I'll check out the selection of pesticides at Orcheln's next spring.
Also make sure you really get several heavy steal fence posts pounded WAY DOWN into the ground, preferably 3 or more of them obviously. Tie the fencing tight!
Basically, I did WHIMPY steal posts one year and the bucks CONSISTENTLY would go out at night and rip the darn things out of the ground with their strong necks and antlers and rub the heck out of them- killed several- that's why I am trying to kill every buck in the county- it's like a Mobster Movie with me GETTING REVENGE!!!!
you'll be so happy when these things turn out awesome and you have these amazing trees. Nice work! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
Also the lime I would use is dolomite lime since it has magnesium in it also...a very knowledgeable guy on the QDMA website that has a big orchard told me it helps the tree fight the diseases. Treat them apple trees well and they will return the favor!!!!!
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