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Argument that we need more hunters ! Post away

  • Deleted by Hardwood11
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It is going to be a good fall!
I’m failing to understand the concern that we need to have more hunters or even more anglers, when I read hundreds of posts that hunting is getting worse, access is worse, fishing spots are crowded. Public land is overrun.

Corn fields (picked) in the Dakotas have more guys scouting and asking permission to hunt ducks/geese.

Draw lengths for tags are getting way worse.

Explain to me either way … your thoughts on this and why losing a few more hunters is not good for the sport ?
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One reason is at the voting booth.

Example. I've given away 100s of # of bear meat. Vast majority say it's awesome. I give it away to people that have never hunted bear, have no intention of doing so and even those that are opposed to hunting.

Those little things can mean a difference when when a " vote" comes up to ban bear hunting.
Just an example.
I've been talking to my areas DNR wildlife manager lately.
【 he asks me for advice ].
Getting to be TO MANY deer here for what little habitat there is. Sadly, I think they could doe tags for free and few would bother.
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