well about 3 days ago i got to witness something i have never seen before and pry never will againg in my whole life! i was driving out to my property to get my basement ready to put a house on it, when a doe came acrossed the road right at my driveway, extremely slow. i wondered what was going on because she had her mouth wide open and her back hunched up real high. then as she finally made it accrossed the road she threw her tail in the air and i noticed her rear-end was completely covered in blood. it was then that i knew what was going on. as i hurried and pulled my truck onto my driveway and feverishly looked for my video camera, never go anywhere without it. guess what, no video camera
my wife had taken it in the house the night before to charge the batteries and didn't place it back in my truck
. anyways by the time i stepped up onto the road i could see this little head peeking out the doe's hind quarters. then all the sudden POP here comes a fawn shooting right out of her. witnessed the whole thing. after the fawn had came out the doe had fallen over so i walked up to where she was to make sure she was still alive, she let me get to within 10 feet of her and acted as though she knew i was not going to hurt her or the fawn.(she must have been completely exhausted) i stood there to make sure the doe was going to muster that strength back up and after about 5 minutes of worrying and wondering if i could get this fawn to my vet friend quick enough in case the mom didn't make it she threw her head in the air and came to her feet, i backed off and watched them for about 15 minutes at a distance of about 50 yards. then she took her fawn up a slight incline to taller grass and layed down. soon after i made sure that both had made it and were in good health i went up to my homesite and could here that LITTLE BOOGER bawling all freaking day. she only had one, don't know why but to me be able to see the birth of a fawn turned out to be more amazing then gross! just thought i would share that with ya'll. pretty amazing. also one more thing on my way home that evening i saw 3 bucks in the field above the house that would have been the perfect picture, sun at there back making them nothing but a silohuette you could see those antlers from a mile away, not much growth but the way the sun was shining behind them was perfect, and once again no camera
anyone else ever seen this birthing process before?