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Attn: NAW Subscibers/Readers


A Few Steps Ahead Of You
the past couple NAW threads have got me thinking.....

If you had a chance and knew you would be listened to, what would you recommend be changed about the current format of North American Whitetail????

All opinions welcome!!!
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I didn't renew my subscription, so I really don't have any room to complain.

One thing I hate about any magazine is, when you read an article, you have to skip 7 pages of adds in between each article page to read the story. I'm not saying get rid of adds, but have them in the "ADD" section of the magazine.
I dropped my NAW subscription about a year ago because of the article to advertising ratio. The only reason I held on to it as long as I did was because it focused on deer. I used to get some of the others (Outdoor Life, Field & Stream, etc.) and when they started running mountain bike:confused: and similar articles, I dropped them. Sure glad I dumped NAW before they started turkey articles!

I'd go along with putting the ads at the back of the mag, heck, I don't pay attention to them anyways, but it would be easier to ignore them at the back (and not have to look for stories continued in the back).

Seems like they are trying to only have "exclusive" stories which with the internet, is very difficult to do these days. Maybe have a few "exclusives" but throw in a bunch more stories even if they have been on the internet/in other mags to beef up the content.

One thing that really irks me is putting font over pictures. I HATE that!!!!! Not saying NAW did it that I can remember, I just can't stand it in general. I don't want to try to struggle to read it. Some magazines changed the color of the font so it will be more visible. That doesn't help those who are color blind.

Partner with B&C to run their "trophy watch" as a section in the mag?
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I have always been a fan of "run of book" layout, which means all the article is kept together instead of continued at the back of the magazine. It makes ad layout a lot harder so that is why they continue the articles. Advertisers want to be near the front of the magazine so the layout people use up pages in the back for the last half of the articles.

I don't mind the number of the ads. They arenecessary to keep the magazine afloat. Just add more pages to get the ads in and as long as the amount of content stays the same I don't care about the ads. I will not subscibe to a magazine with all those stupid male enhancement ads. Geeez.
I won't renew my subscription this time around. The last magazine had around 80 pages, many of them "filler pages" on turkeys, the Amish, product reviews etc. There were only 4 stories actually profiling deer and the story behind their demise. In comparing that to the 20 -25 profile type stories per issue that run in a Canadian based magazine I receive it doesn't just fall short, NAW isn't in the same race. There were also more than double the amount of ads in NAW than the other magazine which was the same length so I truthully doubt that many are needed to keep a magazine afloat.

Anyhow, despite the fact that I won't renew I'd say.
1. More deer hunt profile type stories
2. DON"T "continue" stories 40 pages later.
3. Less ads
4. Less "How to" stories. All the "how to's" are just being reworded by now.
I could go on but I won't.
I let my subscription lapse a few years back to NAW and never looked back. About 90% of the bucks they feature we all have known about for several months before they ever hit the newstand. The good old internet has just about killed that form of media!

Big Buck Magazine less adds, better stories, and best of all big sheds!!!!!!!!!!!
Chris, I didn't name the magazine I spoke of,..thanks for doing so.

Best deer magazine out there, easily.
The good old internet has just about killed that form of media!

I was in the shed the other day and found a set of ice tongs. My Grandpa used to deliver blocks of ice in town. During the winter, he would cut blocks from the local creek, stack them up, cover them with straw and they would last into the summer. Since I have the tongs, do you think I can start up an ice delivery business? :grin:
Anymore all I want in a magazine is 50 pages of nothing but deer pictures. No words, nothing. Just lots of harvest trail cam photos etc. I don't even read the stories anymore. I don't mind the ads as long as it has to do with hunting but when there is a full page add about pajama grams or some rare limited edition coin it drives me nuts.
I would agree with everything said above. I also agree that Big Buck Magazine is now the front runner for deer hunting if you're just wanting stories and pictures.
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