Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


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Well I thought I would share this photo of a nice 12 pointer I found down on the land I have been hunting about 2 months ago. (sorry not the best picture)
That sucks! Any idea what he died from? More pics would be great! Looks pretty large.
I really had no idea what he died from... When I found him the tips of his horns were stuck into the ground. I just hope he has some babys out in the woods! Oh ya and me and a freind scored him at 177!
Well I don't think he died naturally and there isint a road for a while so I'm thinking a hunter never found him

Just by looking at the rack ..Not a huge 12! 12 seems to be a mystical number among us deer folk! :rolleyes: It's 50/50 on the cause of death! Lousy shot??? Ya! We got a belly full of them! Old age? HMMMMMMM!!! :D
I dont know if he died from age though, when I found the skull it was right by a little creek (maybe a foot deep after heavy rain) and his tips of his horns where stuck in the ground. To me I figured it was shot and just never recovered from the hunter.
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