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AZ Strip Bucks Taken Recently


Iowa Boy At Heart
Our OTC archery deer season opens this Friday, but I thought I'd share a link to a couple of recent monster muley harvests from up on the AZ Strip (Units 13A and 13B), north of the Grand Canyon. There is a great deal of speculation that the next world record mule deer will come from one of these units. These tags were bought at auction and raffle. I know the auction tag usually sells for tens of thousands (60k+?).

These bucks are also why I'm holding out for a Strip tag in the lottery. I know of hunters who have passed up 200" bucks because they were too small. Top one goes 263". Yes, you read that right...

Wow!!! Sure hope you land one of those tags soon.

Are those units regulated to the point where they will continue to hold the trophy potential?
Wow!!! Sure hope you land one of those tags soon.

Are those units regulated to the point where they will continue to hold the trophy potential?

I hope I get one soon, too! I have 9 or 10 bonus points now and I know people who've been waiting 20 years for that tag. And I have a friend who got drawn with only 2 bonus points (I still hate him). I put in for this tag this year because it was the only hunt I could do (IF I was drawn) that wouldn't interfere with my daughter's hunts!

They only issue about 70 tags in 13A and 50 tags in 13B every year for the general hunt in November and those are the only hunts that happen up there, as opposed to 3-4 hunts in other units in the rest of the state, each having 100-600 tags. I'd have to look, but I think its only about a dozen early archery tags in each (August). These two units are definitely manged for their trophy status. These two bucks were taken by the governor's tag (auction) and one special raffle tag. Both tags are good for an entire calendar year anywhere in the state.

The bigger problem (IMO) is that there are some cutthroat outfitters up there. They specialize in big bucks like you see, but they won't hesitate to steal your camera if its on one of "their" water holes. They also have multiple guys out scouting/looking and they don't care if they bust your hunt to fill their clients' tags. Or they have those same guys drive the roads spotlighting at night (no firearms or its illegal), locating bucks for clients' hunts the next day. Of course, this is not an example of every single outfitter that works the Strip, but it certainly happens.

Fortunately for me, my work duties include this part of the state and I'm good friends with one of the AGFD Wildlife Managers up there. He's assured me that he'll get me into good bucks in areas that aren't frequented by outfitters...if (when?) I do get drawn!
Spot and stalk mulies is on my list before I die. I don't need a 200 incher to be happy either. Anything over 160 and I would be a happy man.
Spot and stalk mulies is on my list before I die. I don't need a 200 incher to be happy either. Anything over 160 and I would be a happy man.

If you don't mind hard-horned desert mulies, I'll take you to one of my favorite spots for the January OTC archery hunts. You can make it a combo with a javelina archery tag, too. Early January or late December should work with your teaching schedule, shouldn't it?
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