Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Baby pics and info






Heres the pics, the first ones his mom and him, second ones my 4 yr old daughter Shaylee and him, and the last ones my little hunting partner Austin, my 8 yr old son.

The baby was born at about 8:03 Tuesday morning, wieghed in at 8 lbs 4 oz, and was 21 inches long.Both the baby and mom are doing great, sorry SplitG and Droptine, the wife named him Joseph Christopher Horst.On the other hand my sons got the nurses calling him Catfish so theres still hope LOL.Also he was the only one in the nursery wearing a camo hat, the rest all had boring blue ones, the nurses also got a kick outta that
Nice work Horst. Joseph Limb Chicken Horst...

Naah I like Joseph Christopher better, congrats glad everything went well. Kinda puts things into perspective for us as far as what is important.
nice work horst! Another one to drag out big bucks when you get to old! Many memories to come!!
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