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Bad Advice?


New Member
On another thread there was a discussion about the best after care material to use after defecating in the woods. Muddy gave what I thought was great advice, Baby Wipes! So I put a small pack in my fanny pack. They worked great. Anyway I left them in my fanny pack in the truck like I always do. The next day I go hunting. 5:30 am with the temperature in the teens I have to go. I go. I get the Baby Wipes out and find a white solid block of ice!:D I used the whole pack because I couldn't pull them apart. :p I think I'm going back to TP.
Haha! That's pretty "cold" of muddy to do that to you. Can you get unscented baby wipes? I supose the job that they're cleaning up would trump the nonscented part though anyway....
I think you should send Muddy your, ahem, "used" wipes as a lesson to him to never again lead you astray! :D He has to learn somehow! :D
Common sense dictates that you bring WET wipes inside or at least inside a garage when temps are in the teens. ;)

They do wake a guy up in the morning though if you use one and it's not quite frozen!

LYON, yes they make unscented ones because some babies need hypoallergenic wipes.
Common sense dictates that you bring WET wipes inside or at least inside a garage when temps are in the teens. ;)

They do wake a guy up in the morning though if you use one and it's not quite frozen!

LYON, yes they make unscented ones because some babies need hypoallergenic wipes.

I thought they did. I should know this, I have a 2.5 yr old and a 10 month old.
Put some alcohol in side your bag of baby wipes and they wont freeze solid.You may have to rub and pick a bit on the coldest mornings but you'll be happy.Trust me.
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