Well-Known Member
I pack stuff up so simple that even a caveman, or Thomas for that matter, can do it.
Start off with the goods...
If I'm just packing the sticks I roll them up in my coat and strap them down, I throw the horns right on top of it all and cinch it down...
I'm I decide to pack it all on my backpack I'll wrap the sticks up and put them on the stand. Then I'll make sure the backpack straps go through the same holes in the platform. Count in from the sides, top and bottom. This keeps the stand from being lopstided.
Sometimes I just put the sticks on the stand the normal way they suggest and wedge clothes and horns into areas that they'll ride quietly and just sling it over my shoulder. Sometimes it goes on the pack. I differ day to day depending on how thick of stuff I'm walking to, how far I'm walking, etc etc etc.
Start off with the goods...
If I'm just packing the sticks I roll them up in my coat and strap them down, I throw the horns right on top of it all and cinch it down...
I'm I decide to pack it all on my backpack I'll wrap the sticks up and put them on the stand. Then I'll make sure the backpack straps go through the same holes in the platform. Count in from the sides, top and bottom. This keeps the stand from being lopstided.
Sometimes I just put the sticks on the stand the normal way they suggest and wedge clothes and horns into areas that they'll ride quietly and just sling it over my shoulder. Sometimes it goes on the pack. I differ day to day depending on how thick of stuff I'm walking to, how far I'm walking, etc etc etc.