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Baiting a cam


I know this topic has been discussed several times on this site and most are probably sick of talking about it. I have search but havent found what I'm looking for. Seems like the topics of drift off into something else. I also searched the dnr website but they dont give the specifics of the law.
Does any one know how long you have to wait to hunt the area after grain is removed from a trailcam site? How far from the area do you have to hunt if the area is baited? Thanks
Two weeks for bait. Up to the officer if the mineral site trail leads by the stand. I think.

Mobile Cooter
I think i remember 300 yds is the magic distance. Has anyone ever heard of someone in Iowa actually getting into trouble for this. Personally, its the same as a food plot IMO. If one is illegal they should both be.
Just call the local game warden where you're hunting and ask him. It seems that you may get a different response depending on the county you're hunting and how your local officer views the law. There is no set distance or time when you must stop, but if your bait is bringing deer withing range to be harvested or affecting their movement to your advantage, it is then considered baiting. I always stop putting corn out after they shed their velvet (about now) and move my cameras to scrapes and trails to catch natural movement....I also don't have to worry about any issues with baiting when I run cameras in such a manner.
Here is a link to search the code of Iowa.


Here is the law. I found the section by searching "deer". Pretty much the same as the regs.

Prohibited weapons and devices.
The use of dogs, domestic animals, bait, rifles other than muzzleloaded or as provided in 106.7(5), handguns except as provided in 106.7(3), crossbows except as provided in 106.7(1), automobiles, aircraft, or any mechanical conveyance or device, including electronic calls, is prohibited, except that paraplegics and single or double amputees of the legs may hunt from any stationary motor-driven land conveyance. “Bait” means grain, fruit, vegetables, nuts, hay, salt, mineral blocks, or any other natural food materials; commercial products containing natural food materials; or by-products of such materials transported to or placed in an area for the intent of attracting wildlife. Bait does not include food placed during normal agricultural activities. “Paraplegic” means an individual with paralysis of the lower half of the body with involvement of both legs, usually due to disease of or injury to the spinal cord. It shall be unlawful for a person, while hunting deer, to carry or have in possession a rifle except as provided in 106.7(3) and 106.7(5). It shall be unlawful for a person hunting with a bow license to carry a handgun unless that person also has a valid deer hunting license and an unfilled transportation tag that permits a handgun to be used to take deer.

The question is if you are 301 yards away from your camera with bait and shoot the next state record do you want to be in court arguing your case that the deer hunt was not influenced by the presence of the bait.
Thakns for your responses. I ha ve heard so many different times and distances and I dont want to break any laws.I just figured there had to be a little more to the written law. The only reason i ever have grain in front of my camera is because its a cheap piece of crap and if a deer doesnt stop for 10 seconds I miss them.

I guess I wont put any more out just to be safe and ask the local game warden some time. Thanks again.
I always stop putting corn out after they shed their velvet (about now) and move my cameras to scrapes and trails to catch natural movement....I also don't have to worry about any issues with baiting when I run cameras in such a manner.

I 100% Agree!!
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