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Bald eagle in the snow


Life Member
Not quite the bird you were all thinking. I was in the process of tracking a large deer track in the fresh snow while hunting coyotes and forgot I was closing in on the camera. My daughter just laughed and laughed at this pic.
Cripes Shredder you and I have the same disease
If you come across a cure let me know ASAP!!
Bobcat, This was the scent control solution that Fishbonker mentioned earlier in the season. Something about shaving or hair removal. Well I tried it and am still awaiting hair to return.
I have looked and can't find a picture of Bonker with his bow kill, but I am pretty sure he was sportin a face full of hair. Please tell me your just funnin with us or did ya really shave for better scent controll.
You mean I have been sporting less hair than a porn star all by myself??????? I thought he would at least follow his own advise. This darn itch down below is killing me.........Really Ironwood, i was plagued with a thin head of hair so I just go with the Larry Fine hairdo. I am all fuzzy everywhere else like you really wanted to know all that HuH?
You guys aren't going to believe this but I have been seeing this particular bald eagle about every other day. He has some messed up genetics. Also he has a great way to find his prey. (50 cal.) You think that the DNR would be watching this one!!!!
Lets have a few Shredder
I think we have a December trailcam contest winner
, but let's see the deer & coyote that made the tracks.
Huntin' in Hawaii? That's some nice camo MadisonB&C! I like it!
That's Fishbonker with his "Bonkerflage" It's all the rage with middle-aged, helicopter ridin, fish wackin, long story tellin, .......
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