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Banning things


Well-Known Member
It seems like everybody has their undies in a bunch over the baiting/mineral lick ban, well, I just read that Montana has banned trail cams! It wasn't a total ban, as you can run them when their isn't a hunting season open, which didn't sound like it left a person with much time.

I suppose there are some slippery slopers out there that will say "mineral licks today, cams tomorrow"...
Any idea on what the reasoning behind that was?
From what I read, it started off as a ban for the cams that upload the images to a satellite, then they are transmitted to your computer (Buckeye cams?). The DNR thought that this was an unfair advantage. Then, they decided to just broaden it to all trail cams, I guess.
It does seem to be the trend of the day. Gov. Officials coming into every aspect of your life, telling you what you can nd cannot do.
suppose anyone made the claim of protecting your property...as in using trail cams as a way to catch trespassers???

landowners used to have the right to protect their land...didn't they?...so what if you happen to catch a few Booners on cam in the process:drink1:
I do not like the real time trail cams. Lets you sit in your house get a pic of a deer, grab the gun and head to the woods knowing the deer is there. Definitely not fair chase.
I do not like the real time trail cams. Lets you sit in your house get a pic of a deer, grab the gun and head to the woods knowing the deer is there. Definitely not fair chase.

I tend to concur with Jdubs on this statement. However, general stand alone cameras with no real time upload capabilities do not cross the line of reducing fair chase in my mind.
That would suck! Whats next binos?

Probably ... binos, scopes, hell you know they are going to restrict muzzleloaders here pretty soon with all the latest advantages.

I think I'll just start hunting with a spear... are there any regulations on how long the blade can be?
hope wisconsin doesnt see that, they will make us buy a 10$ permit to use them....surprised they havent come up with a shed hunting licence yet...
I do not like the real time trail cams. Lets you sit in your house get a pic of a deer, grab the gun and head to the woods knowing the deer is there. Definitely not fair chase.
I agree; but I also have an issue with more government in our face. DOWNSIZE ALL GOVERNMENT is my motto. I just learned the other day, on a forum, that in Colorado it is a felony to cut a head off of an antelope or other animal and leave the animal. Wanton waste. A Felony? Loss of voting rights, loss of gun ownership for the rest of your life over an animal? I think making the guy pick up trash in a ditch for 6 months every weekend in ditches with a sign on his back reading,"I cut an antelopes head off and wasted the meat" would be sufficient. I think of a felon as a violent crime committed against another man. Armed robbery etc. Seems like these states are getting a little nuts over their so called ownership of an animal that God placed on earth. I myself feel that if you want to run game cams on your own land, then the state can kiss your butt. I don't get into trail cams, but if you want to, it is none of my business. I feel that if the states want to claim ownership to these animals then they can also pay for the damage they do when cars hit them.
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I agree with hardcore hunter, if our D.N.R. goes through with any of this they will be known as communists ,if they aren't already, they seem to think that the animals of this state are theirs and theirs only, but what they need to realize is god put these creatures here for a reason, and I bet that reason wasn't to have a biased dnr regulating unfair game laws.If they do this, who knows what will be next, makes me sick to think of the ideas they may come up with in the future.
That's just not right. I'll bet the state of Montana winds up with a few law suits on their hands before this one is all said and done. Never mind all the time and money that hunters have invested in trail cams through the years, which they now aren't able to use during productive times of the year. What about the manufacturers? I know Montana isn't the most densely populated state in the world but that's a lot of revenue to be losing just because Uncle Sugar said so.
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