Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bbd baby


Well-Known Member
My oldest son Jacob put one on the ground tonight, All on video courtesy of his mother and a dang fine first buck. Story and pics tommorow To say he is excited is an understatment

Jacob Was itching to go this youth season, since last year he saw lots of nice bucks but just couldnt close the deal on one. He settled for a big fat nanny last year. We practiced with the .22 and then moved on to the muzzy that he inherited from his Grandpa who passed last Sept. He has a brand new muzzy and an itch to pull the hammer on a nice buck. A deadly combo. So along comes this years season, we scouted a specific alfalfa field for the last couple of months. We saw deer nearly every night including several bucks. There where anywhere from 3 to 15 buck in the field every night. Needless to say we couldn't wait for the evening of the 19th. On Saturday evening we set up right where i thought we needed to be and two giants came out into the field but unfortunatly they stayed just out of range. I guess it just wasnt meant to be to shoot a 180" that night. God just put him out there for a teaser, but we did get about 20 to 25 min of video of him. So Along comes Sunday evening, I moved the blind down the fence cutting the distance in half of where the deer are coming into the field, I was about 40 yards of the mark on Satuday. With the new setup the deer would be in range as soon as they entered the field. We waited patiently for the most anticipated time and along came a well fed yellow lab running right at the blind. He stopped right in front of us and as he turned to look in the blind i gave a yaw get out of here. You would thought i hit with a cattle prode. That dog ran as fast a he could back to the road nearly 1/4 to 3/8 of a mile away hung a left and ran for the county line. I thought to my self at least he ran the right direction. Then 20 minutes later I hear a nieghbor on his four wheeler ripping around the hood. He rode all around the timber the deer come from, up and down the fence lines just ripping around having fun oblivious of our set up. I thought to my self we will be lucky to see a deer tonight let alone the big ones. At around 6:45 the four wheeler decides to call it a night. Finally. We sat and waited then about 7:20 I look out the back of the blind and all I see is horns coming over the hill. I got Jacob ready and My wife Anna got the camera ready for the action. Long story short he jumped the fence at 15 yards then turned and looked at the blind. He stood there facing us throwing us his best head bob routine trying to figure out the black hole of the matrix. I told every one dont move or make a peep untill he relaxes. After a couple of minutes he decides the blind is no danger starts to gorge him self on lush Alfalfa. He inches out into the field as I help Jacob get his gun sitiuated, camera rolling,deer at 20 yards I reach up and cock the gun told Jacob to put the cross hairs where they need to be, once he said he was on him i slipped the saftey off for him and 2 seconds later he let it rip, putting the heat on his first buck. The video was great couldnt ask for better and a really nice buck to boot. So tonight its off to the taxi to get his deer mounted. I told him it could it was a pretty good early B-day gift since he turns 8 in a couple of weeks.
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Great buck bud!!! Awesome story to boot! Looks like you've got an awesome family...
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Simply awesome James! I'd say there was a little help from above buddy, congrats all around! :way:
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