Hey guys,
I decided that I'm going to give my girlfriend a bow as a graduation present. We went and shot some bows the other day, with one being the Bear Homewrecker and Diamond Razors Edge. She absolutely hated the Diamond, and loved the Homewrecker, so thats the route we have decided to go.
My question is, have any of you or family had experience with this bow? What was your opinion of it? Any problems with it that you have heard of?
From the looks of it, it shot extremely smooth and a 40-50 lb bow would be plenty for her, she has a 26.5" draw. She pulled 43 with a little struggle, and the shop backed it down to 38 where she was fine. She needs to build a little muscle but that will come with more shooting to get it into the mid 40's range before deer season. BUT, that bow is FAST for being low poundage (I think the IBO was 308 or something like that), which I'm a firm believer that SPEED kills. Arrow weight does play a part in it with the kenitic energy, but I'd take well placed shot, with speed any day.
I decided that I'm going to give my girlfriend a bow as a graduation present. We went and shot some bows the other day, with one being the Bear Homewrecker and Diamond Razors Edge. She absolutely hated the Diamond, and loved the Homewrecker, so thats the route we have decided to go.
My question is, have any of you or family had experience with this bow? What was your opinion of it? Any problems with it that you have heard of?
From the looks of it, it shot extremely smooth and a 40-50 lb bow would be plenty for her, she has a 26.5" draw. She pulled 43 with a little struggle, and the shop backed it down to 38 where she was fine. She needs to build a little muscle but that will come with more shooting to get it into the mid 40's range before deer season. BUT, that bow is FAST for being low poundage (I think the IBO was 308 or something like that), which I'm a firm believer that SPEED kills. Arrow weight does play a part in it with the kenitic energy, but I'd take well placed shot, with speed any day.