Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bear rug


Well-Known Member
Just finished this mount up and now he is off to the rugger. These are neat, I need to plan a trip soon and get one for my trophy room. I have 2 more closed mouth and 1 open mouth to do yet. The old lady even liked it:way:


Thats one nice bear!! The guy ever tell you the weight or age on it? Looks to me like a 400+?

We have a couple rugs in our house. One pushin 300 and the other around 200. Both rugs are much smaller than that. The bigger of our rugs was a sow and was 11 years old. Half of her belly was worn out of hair from the cubs so our taxi just trimmed it off.
You want some more bears for rugs? I have three in the freezer right now I would like to sell to make room for some venison.
Iowabuckmen, I think it was a 5.5 footer not sure the weight. Seemed pretty big to me!

Iowa1, not sure of anyone who wants a rug right now but if anyone else wants one of knows of someone let me know. This season only I am running a special on rugs at the bargain price of $1000. I know it seems like a lot, but that is cheap surprisingly.

Thanks for the comments
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