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Bearded lady


Well-Known Member
This morning was my last day to hunt this season and I headed to a public spot that I had never been to (the nice thing about having Thursdays off is public land isn't as packed :D )

After checking out the maps last night I picked the spot I was going to head to. After the hour drive I was setup around 5:00am and enjoyed listening to the woods come alive. I had a few birds in the area but nothing within 300 yards or so. One tom roosted in a tree in the middle of the field and he was hammering pretty good so I thought I had a decent chance at him.

I had a few jakes work by at 75 yards but nothing wanted to come in. I finally spotted the tom 300 yards away and he worked off in the opposite direction. At one point I could see seven birds in a few fields but nothing wanted to play. Around 9am I decided it was time to get aggressive since the birds left the fields. I grabbed the fan and headed to see if I could find one to stalk. I spotted a lone bird a long ways away and scooted/walked/duck walked behind the fan (I need to learn the best method for this haha) and got closer. I thought it was a hen but I kept making my way towards her thinking she could have a boyfriend or two. I finally spotted some more turkeys behind her which I could see were jakes after a hard look in the binoculars. They were all feeding and I kept glassing and noticed the hen had a beard and she was working her way towards me while the jakes were 20 yards on the opposite side of her. When she was within 20 yards I got the gun ready and let it rip when she was about 15 yards away. She hit the dirt without a flop.

I wasn't about to be picky today so any legal bird within range was going to get shot. So I took advantage of the opportunity and made it back for lunch with the in-laws and then was able to watch the state track meet.

Definitely not my biggest bird ever :D
Weight: not much
Spurs: none
Beard: maybe 5 inches and thin



Sweet! Yeah, that scooting/ducking/sneaking behind the fan is interesting for sure. A couple hundred yards of that and I felt it in my glutes the next day for sure. Haha!
Nice job on the bearded lady. I couldn't resist one a few years back, cashed in on the opportunity as well.
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