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been seeing a bunch mid day...


Well-Known Member
in my job i spend a lot of time on the road. i have been seeing a ton of deer between 9 and 3 out in the middle of nowhere. is this because of the rising moon and the cooler weather or just because it's summer and the deer realize they're not being pressured?
The knats have been a $#@%&. Maybe they are finding relief out in the open where there is better breeze.
with the 4 bucks i have gotten on my trail camera, they have all been during 1 in the afternoon and all the others very from around noon to 6am. around 1pm and 6pm seem to be the good time for my camera for some reason
My thought would be because its a full or near full moon.

Deer alwasy seem to move in the middle of the day during this moon phase.
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