Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Before the Rain


PMA Member
I had an eventful morning this morning starting out chasing horses from my setup in the pre-dawn darkness. Finally at 6:07 I heard my first gobble, a little unexpected even for a cloudy morning because they have been gobbling around 5:40 on previous mornings. Two gobblers hit the ground and headed my way but stopped at about 55 yards before they turned to follow the hens that were headed in the opposite direction.

I made a quick move and it paid off with my heaviest bird to date. I had a separate pair of long beards strut across a alfalfa field to my decoys and that is when the hunt ended. I just wish that I would have taken the bow since this would have been a perfect setup for that. Maybe 4th season?? the tale of the tape - 25 pounds 2 ounces, 9-7/8" beard, 3/4" and 7/8" spurs

Score is 25.125 + 8.75 + 7.5 + 19.75 = 61.125


I got together with a few other guys and took a group photo of todays harvest

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