Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Best night in the stand


Active Member
I sat in the hurricane force winds last night just to get out.I had zero expectations of seeing anything. I had two 140 class bucks come out about 6:30 and lay down in field and chew there cud. Would not have shot them, but it was cool to watch them 50yds out. The best part of the night was having four ,yes four bobcats come frolic under my stand for about ten minutes.Two adults and 2 kittens. I was so wrapped up watching them,I did not even think to take a pic until they were gone. Last nights sit was what being in the woods is all about to me. Clean hands at the end of the night, yet one I will always remember.:drink1:
Sounds like a pretty good night to me. You don't always have to kill something to have a good sit. Some of my most memorable sits, do not include a kill.
Sounds like a pretty good night to me. You don't always have to kill something to have a good sit. Some of my most memorable sits, do not include a kill.

Couldn't have said it better, myself! Sounds like a great night! :way:
Sounds like a pretty good night to me. You don't always have to kill something to have a good sit. Some of my most memorable sits, do not include a kill.

That's exactly right! I have sat the past two mornings so far this year and have seen 11 different bucks in two days! Only one being over 100 inches but hey...but man has it been fun seeing the number of deer I have been seeing. yesterday morning I felt like I got a taste of the majority of what nature has to offer. Deer, turkey's gobbling, geese, pheasants, and an owl....I love this time of year
kghunter said:
That's exactly right! I have sat the past two mornings so far this year and have seen 11 different bucks in two days! Only one being over 100 inches but hey...but man has it been fun seeing the number of deer I have been seeing. yesterday morning I felt like I got a taste of the majority of what nature has to offer. Deer, turkey's gobbling, geese, pheasants, and an owl....I love this time of year

That is exactly right no better time of year. My wife and I were married opening day then went to Hawaii for the week. I'm. Excited to get out this weekend and spend time in the stand.
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