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best place to hunt the rut?


bowhunt or die
Ino inside a big timber can be really good during the rut but I dont have the luxury to hunt like that. I have my stand set on edge of our corn field and a big crp, it is a perfect choke point so was wondering if that would be just as good or not. And also if I should use calls or rattle?
That should be as good as any big timber, then. We have alot of timber here, but spend most of our time on good pinch points, and feeding areas in the afternoons.
Do you have a topo map image of it? It's hard to say without having a more precise idea of the area your hunting.

I hunt something kind of similar to what your describing, and it can be effective at certain times of the rut. But I much rather be hunting in a more big timber area, Especially, when bucks are on lockdown with does. My stand location tends to suffer when they are on lockdown.

I think evening hunts will be effective for you. Considering, you are probably in an area where deer feed. Also, it may be a good area if the bucks are cruising for does at midday. I can imagine a buck may run the crp to try to kick up a doe.

But, like a alluded to earlier, you'll need to give us an aerial or topo map image to give us a better idea of where you hunt.
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breiner11 said:
In the rut I hunt edges of doe bedding areas to catch cruising bucks

Excactly what i do. The land i hunt is real thick, alot of places for deer to bed. During the summer and early bow season this land and holds very little mature bucks. When the rut starts up their is so mano good bucks all over.
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