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Best target?


Well-Known Member
What is the best archery practice target for the money? I used to use big round bales (shoot at the sides instead of the ends) with aluminum arrows. My new bow with carbon arrows sends them about 2 feet deep into the bale
The same new bow with aluminums doesn't do that, so I guess it is the smaller diameter and increased fps of the carbons. They might be a little "slicker" as well. Anyhow, I want to practice with what I will be hunting with, carbons.
PS I really don't want a deer form target, just some block/bag.
Field points? Build a rag box target with scrap materials and you've got an awesome cheap target. What's the new bow?
Yes, using field points. So you just stuff a box with old rags? Cripes, I've got a couple of garbage bags full of old clothes, etc. that I've been slowly using as shop rags. Can it be as easy as stuffing one into a cardboard box?

The bow is "new" to me.
I bought Limb's Matthews Legacy.
I will takes some pics of mine. It's 4x4x4 (2' deep is plenty) I stuffed mine with scrap linings from jackets here at work. Guys have used walmart sacks, bubble wrap you name it. If you use clothes make sure to take off zippers and metal closures. Build the frame (I used 2x4's and OSB. Put a access panel at the top of it (so you can add to it once it starts to settle) The front (shooting side) is open (of course) and I used old carpet with the carpet side inward. Staple it to the frame. Add some #9 wire (I am sure you being a hobby farmer you have this stuff all over...from the Honda to the back door of your house) The wire (attached vertically on target front will work great to hold paper targets attached to cardboard. Them and a couple of clothes pins work great. Mine is heavy and has almost caused divorce several times when I asked the missus to help move it. I think Critr has a nice roof over his target so it sits out all year long. Have Fun.

Why's this in the IBA forum?

Why's this in the IBA forum?

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Thanks, Rudd.
Sorry, Folks, should have been tech forum.
What is the best archery practice target?

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I'd say PETA members

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Yhea, but they are hard to pull your arrows out of.


There is 2 layers of carpet here. 1 is carpet out (outdoor carpet scrap) which is the green. It seems to be less messy when working with the rubber backed carpet on the first layer.
patterning a shotgun.

actually they are the kids's along with a couple in the fresh sheetrock. Mine are in the doorway frame and 3/4" from the main electrical line into the house. Your suppose to relax when shooting back tension....I did......a little to much and let the release go when I shot it.
We use the "Black Hole", works great and is very durable. We put 4 more white dots towards the corners so it has a diamond pattern on it to make it last longer, so you aren't shooting at one spot on the target. Good luck!!
Geez Rudd, you sure require a large target.

I really like the Glendell Full Rut buck for hte back yard and love the black hole for a traveler when on a trip or shooting in the back forty.
I bought The Block A little more pricey but I felt like supporting a certain store more than another. There, that is out of my system!
Portablity was a factor in the purchase. I can't shoot in town (city ordinance) and this way I can practice along a gravel road if need be.
The Johnson county archers have a set up archery range out on Sugar Bottom Road as well Randy. But, that is a bit out of your way I guess.
can't shoot in town (city ordinance)

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Another bit of Iowa City reasoning. You need to work for White Buffalo Sharpshooters. Has the ordinance ever been enforced?
Just North of the Maffey Bridge turn into the, darn I can picture it in my head but ya think I can come up the the name? McBride Campus maybe? Stone pillars on the west side of the road.
Just north of Sugar bottom road.

The 'Bonker
can't shoot in town (city ordinance)

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Has the ordinance ever been enforced?

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With my luck I'd be the first!
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