Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Bickal's first Buck

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Shot him Saturday about 4pm from about 150+ yards. He was on the ridge over thick brush. Sure that I missed never even checked. Sunday morning wasn't having much luck and went over to check, and found a blood trail and he jumped. I had shot him through the lung and taken out his right front leg. Tracked him about a mile and eventually he got stuck on the ice on the creek. 3 legs he wasn't going far. He looked over at me with this look like "I give up, you got me" and I took him down with another shot. 10 points but the one is only 7/8" so I guess he's a 9 pointer? rack is 17" wide at the widest. Great hunt!


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Great buck and one heck of a shot with a shotgun (well outside my range anyways). Congrats on a nice harvest. What were some of the tine lengths?
Mr Bickal, way to go man! Love how high his rack sits. That's a buck to be proud of regardless of if its your first or your 50th! Are you going to get him mounted? Congrats!
Glad you decided to follow the shot up regardless if it was immediately or the next day, he would've been a tough one to lose. Lesson learned and CONGRATS!
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