Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Big 12


Well-Known Member
Didn't get these on a trail camera, I took them last night. He is by far the biggest buck I have seen this summer.




WOW! If the left G5 matched right side he looks like a world class typical. Truth is he is world class without. Complete heart stopper!!
That buck is a giant! Wow hope you get a chance at him this fall that deer is what dreams are made of!
That IS a doozy,

good luck tracking him down this fall!

The frontal views really reveal how big he is too.
I'd have no problems shooting AT him. With something like that on his head I would probably put my arrow into the clouds becuase I would have buck fever so bad.
Holy..... That dude is world class in every sense of the word. Look how big his frame is as opposed to his body and his body is not small!!
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