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Big 6, would you take him out?


PMA Member
I contemplating whether or not to take this 6 point out of the heard if given the chance. Got a real nice 8 around that will be a bruiser next year if he makes it. Chances of that are the slim, just wondering what you would do?
interested to see what the other side looks like.
As for if you should shoot him or not. They say, if you have to question whether you should shoot a buck you most likely shouldn't. Ultimately it is all up to you.
If you are worried about him spreading the genes and he would make you tickled, whack him. We had one six that I passed the first year I saw him and he was nice then, for the next 3 years he haunted me and just got to be a big, bigger, and huge 6 that would just never give me a chance again. Not sure how many genes he passed, but hopefully not many. He looks like an older deer and I would probably shoot him unless you have bigger deer to chase and no other tags to use.
Tough call. I have always heard it does very little good geneticly to cull bucks in the wild. So based on that, if he is not the right age structure for what you are doing, or you are not happy shootin him, I would not. If he makes you happy, Smoke him.
Depending on what else is in the area, and how many tags you have I'd probably smoke him first with an arrow and smoke him second over some hickory. He does look a little older so he may very well be on his way downhill. Big Six's don't score much, but are pretty cool non-the-less.
That buck has the cool factor :D I'd shoot him just because he's a big 6 point and he's probably not going to ever blow up into a giant, given I had a landowners tag to burn. If I only had my any-sex tag I'd probably wait until late in the year to make a decision
I would take him given the oppertunity, Not everyday that you see that big of a six, about as rare as a drop tine.
no matter what you do you'll have a good story! Shoot'm and he is the giant 6 of 2011 or let him go and keep making history with him until he disappears or turns to worm food from old age. I wouldn't shoot him to "cull him"...that isn't really science based anyway-he may have great genes and is just not expressing them due to something outside your control or his control. He might find a doe with great genes and have offspring that are "true" hit list bucks in a few years...enjoy him while you can!
I passed an exceptional 6 point many years ago, I have been kicking my self every since. :thrwrck:

Mature, big rack 3x3’s are rare in my neck of the woods. Good luck what ever you decide to do.

I have been in your same shoes and I would like to say I have done a lot of reading and it wouldnt matter wether he sticks around or gets an arrow. Maybe try this if you really want him out maybe you could let a youth come in and hunt the deer that would be a neat thing.
I'd probably shoot if he was 4.5 (or possibly 3.5) or older. Not so much for genetic purposes but if he's roaming your area he may be keeping another buck with much more potential out. We tend to get some small racked 4.5's that dominate an area and are real aggresive towards other bucks, our thoughts were that if we kill them hopefully a buck with more potential will move in.
Pretty sure he's 3 1/2, seems to be a little more dominant so I'm leaning towards taking him out unless something special presents itself before he does. The moment of truth is when he's 15 yards quartering away!
I too would shoot a big, MATURE, six in a heartbeat. I think they're pretty unique. I really like the one Mark Drury shot a few years back that had several stickers on it, that thing was a hog!
I've never seen a 3.5yr old with snout that round, stubby, and full. I'm sticking with my 4.5yr old "guess".

Only take him if he's a trophy in your eyes. Culling him won't do a whole lot to change the genes...besides he has decent beams, and nice mass...say he breeds a doe that has a narrow, thin, racked 12pter bloodline and the buck fawn turns into maternal g-dad's points, with paternal g-dad's mass and beam length?

In other words, his genetics could suck a whole lot more than just the fact he's only a 6pt.

Based on his face and his body, I'd still zing him. You are right though, if you have other "hit-listers" and your "game-time" decision is put to work in early October, I can't honestly say I'd take him out at that time.
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