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big eight last year in aug. this year in july


here is a big eight pointer,the first pic is from last year i got this picture on my trail cam it was in august.the second pic is the same deer but my
cousin got the pic this year last week a 1/2 mile away from my cam.last
year we foud his right side it scored 69 1/8 inches.what does he look like he will score this year?
I know the odds are unlikely, but you sure thats not 2 different deer? The beams look to turn down in the second pic, and turn up in the first..I know, not much from one year to the next, but just a thought perhaps...But yeah, he is a 160 gross
Two different deer in my opinion as well. Main-beams are a huge giveaway. Both are studs though! Awesome pics and thanks for sharing!
gross around 160 is a safe guess. and i was gonna say two diff deer. b/c of the brows the 1st pic he has a jog in his left brow which for the most part they will retain that or should and in 2nd pic his left brow is straight as an arrow. two deer IMO. either way both are toads
I don't think the deer in the second pic will hit 160, if the right side of the top deer was just shy of 70inches because the deer in the second pic looks to have a shorter spread. I think mid 150's...after relooking, maybe he will hit 160 because he's trying to be a 10 point and has more mass than the buck from last year. He's heavy that's for sure.

I agree that they're different bucks...both of which I would be tickled to put an arrow through.

Nice bucks.
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IMO they are also 2 different bucks and both are beautiful 8's. I would say both are mid to low 160's gross bucks. Good luck with them this fall!
Both great deer. I agree with an earlier post, the second looks to be starting G4's on both sides. Great frames on both deer. Big enough for me that's for sure.
Different deer, boath toads. Mid to upper 150's, I think it takes more tine length in an 8 to go 160, although those brow tines will help a ton... But that's one STUD of an 8 regardless!
Both awesome bucks but score wise, 150-155 tops. It takes one heck of an 8 to make the 140 mark....the 160 mark is going to have to have a giant frame and lots of tine length. I would shoot either buck regardless of score though
the first bucks right side grossed 69 1/8 inches we found it'shed in early january
so he would have grossed 156 to 158 last year depending on the spread i used 18 inches,but in the first pic he looks wider.
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