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Big turkey?



I was wondering what you guys would consider big. I shot a 25 lbs turkey with an 11.5 in beard and had 1 1/4 in spurs. I thought the bad boy was big specially haulin him out of the woods. Whats one of your biggest birds ever bagged?
I have never shot a bird over 24 lbs. A few with nice spurs and beard but the heavy boys have stayed away.
From my experience, anything 25 lbs. and over is a big/heavy gobbler.
I have only taken 1 bird larger than 25 lbs. He was also one of the few gobblers I have bagged right at 'flydown'. He weighed a shade under 28 lbs....'bout killed me getting him back to the truck.
I kept records of my turkey weights for many, many years. Average mature Tom will go 21-22 pounds.

I agree with Two Beards...any bird 25 pounds and larger is a great trophy!
I agree,25lbs. or bigger is a really nice bird,which isn't very common.The heaviest one I actually weighed,was 23lbs.4oz.,though he did have,1 3/8in. spurs.Was taken on the next to the last day and had a bald spot on him from mating.I often wondered what he would of weighed if taken at the start of the season?
25 pounds or bigger is a big turkey to me, I have only one farm where they seem to get that big, we have taken 4 birds off it ranging from 25-29.5 pounds. I think it is because he feeds the deer throughout the winter and the turkeys benefit from it too, by not having to look for food as hard. All the other places I hunt it seems about 21-23 pounds is what they usually are on a mature bird. I'm more interested in beard and spur length, the weight is just something more to drag out of the woods to me
I was fortunate, my first turkey was 25 pounds even with 1 1/2 spurs and 11 3/4-12" beard depending on how you measure it, I believe it is still my county record.
A 25 pounder is a very nice bird. My personal best is a shade over 24 pounds with an 11+ in. beard and 1.25 inch spurs. I have been hunting with some of my buddies when they have killed birds from 25 to 29 pounds....talk about monsters! I keep records of every deer and turkey I kill, and most of the big ones I have shot I get during 2nd season. Most of my 4th season birds are a tad bit lighter.
Nice lookin bird Liv.This will be my first season birdin.I have seen some big ones.I am going to do it iwth my bow.Any help ya all could give with blind set-up and decoys would be great.
...with the relatively mild winter we had - are we setting ourselves up for some fat toms?...
Largest bird I ever harvested was pushing 29 pounds. Personally I get pumped up over big hooks. Long sharp spurs are just AWESOME.
. Long sharp spurs are just AWESOME

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damnit, i hate it when i have to agree with muddy
I'm with Muddy on the HOOKS!! My largest bird to date is 25-1/2 pounds with a 10-1/2" beard and 1-1/4" spurs. If I ever top that one he'll probably end up on the wall ... I've been dying to get one mounted!
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