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Bird Dogs Bringing Big Bark to Des Moines
Des Moines, Iowa - January 28, 2010 - Do dogs run the show at your house? They do at ours! Upwards of 40 different sporting dog breeds will be the top attraction at Pheasants Forever'sNational Pheasant Fest 2010, being held February 26-28 at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines.
Bird Dog Parade
What's the heck is Wachtelhund? Italian Spinone? Holy Cannoli! The National Pheasant Fest tradition of kicking off the event with the Bird Dog Parade began in Des Moines in 2007. This year, upwards of 40 different breeds of bird dogs will help us celebrate Pheasant Fest's return to Iowa with the largest Bird Dog Parade yet. From Boykins to Brittanys, German Shorthairs to German Longhairs, Goldens to Gordons, Labs to Llewellins, Springers to Setters, Wachtelhunds to Weimeraners, if it hunts, you'll find it in the Bird Dog Parade. The parade begins at 12:30PM on Friday, February 26th in the main lobby at the Iowa Events Center.
Bird Dog Bonanza
Come Flushers, Pointers and Retrievers! An entire section of the National Pheasant Fest 2010 show floor is dedicated to our favorite hunting partners. This Bird Dog Bonanza is presented by Native® performance dog food & SportDOG®. There will be seminars / demonstrationsthroughout the weekend from the world's foremost dog trainers, such as the Native performance dog food Pro Staff (including Iowans Steve Ries, Todd Sterrett and Sue Barnes), SportDOG's legendary Tom Dokken and Rick Smith and Lyle Steinman of Country Vet and Zoom Dog. Ask the experts personally by bringing your bird dog questions to the Bird Dog Panel Q & A, and check out kennels, trainers, breeders and more dog exhibitors at the "Bird Dog Alley."
"The seminar speakers for the 'Bird Dog Stage' at Pheasant Fest are the absolute top names in the bird dog world," said Brad Heidel, Director of Special Event Sales for Pheasant Forever. "These trainers bring years of experience, and we are very excited to present them to show attendees."
Attend National Pheasant Fest 2010
The Country's Largest Event for Upland Hunters, Sport Dog Owners and Wildlife Habitat Conservationists, combining a national outdoor tradeshow, wildlife habitat seminar series, and family event complete with puppies, tractors, shotguns, and art.
Adults - $10 Daily * Ages 6-16 - $5 Daily * Ages 5 and Under - FREE
Weekend Special - $30 (Includes Pheasants Forever membership & hat, over $80 value)
Anthony Hauck (651) 395-1379 or