Active Member
Well, this was a tough go of it. Shot this deer a week ago last Friday and found him a week later. Myself and two hunting partners looked the night of the shot and the next day and found no blood whatsoever other than at the site of the shot. Arrow passed through with blood on it from tip to nock. I knew I had shot him high and I figured about mid body or slightly behind mid body. After two days of searching for any blood whatsoever, I began to think I'd shot him in what I've heard called "No man's land" or the area below the spine. Days later, I read the ongoing post in the Whitetail Conference forum titled "What could have happened?" in which Ghost dispelled this myth. At that point I figured I likely hit at least one lung. I'm guessing it just took a long time for it to fill with blood which is why the dry trail. On Friday, I decided to give it one last look. The area he went into is so thick, it's a hands and knees affair in many places so I figured my chances were slim but on a stroke of shear and utter luck, I walked right to him within 15 minutes. I hate the fact that I didn't place the shot better and that he may have suffered for awhile. But, in the end I have the following pics to show:
First is an as found pic. Cropped out some of the left side due to coyote activity:
If you look close, you can see the high shot. That is the entry hole.
After I cleaned up the rack:
12 points are pretty obvious, the 13th comes from a sticker off the left base that went just over an inch even though it doesn't look like it in the pic. Grossed at 166 1/2. Thanks to Ghost. If not for that post, I probably wouldn't have made that last ditch effort.
First is an as found pic. Cropped out some of the left side due to coyote activity:
If you look close, you can see the high shot. That is the entry hole.
After I cleaned up the rack:
12 points are pretty obvious, the 13th comes from a sticker off the left base that went just over an inch even though it doesn't look like it in the pic. Grossed at 166 1/2. Thanks to Ghost. If not for that post, I probably wouldn't have made that last ditch effort.