New Member
I shot this one in October and he scored 158 1/8 gross and 150 4/8 net. He's a really nice buck but looking at his teeth I aged him at 3.5. Like Oldbuck, we are striving to shoot only 4.5 and older deer on our farm and from my bowstand I thought he was older. Many people have told me this is a great buck, and it is, but I can't stop thinking about what he could have been next year (DEAD DEER DON'T GROW). I preach QDM to everyone and not shooting less than 4.5 year old bucks and I don't like the fact that I misjudged this buck's age.
...and the sweet part...
I know this is going to kill many people on here but I've always been a gun hunter and this fall was the first year I started bow hunting ... it's a nice first buck.
I shot this one in October and he scored 158 1/8 gross and 150 4/8 net. He's a really nice buck but looking at his teeth I aged him at 3.5. Like Oldbuck, we are striving to shoot only 4.5 and older deer on our farm and from my bowstand I thought he was older. Many people have told me this is a great buck, and it is, but I can't stop thinking about what he could have been next year (DEAD DEER DON'T GROW). I preach QDM to everyone and not shooting less than 4.5 year old bucks and I don't like the fact that I misjudged this buck's age.
...and the sweet part...
I know this is going to kill many people on here but I've always been a gun hunter and this fall was the first year I started bow hunting ... it's a nice first buck.