Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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Was heading out to a spot just a few miles away to do a little shedding and spotted a deer bedded in a hayfield all by itself. naturally I backed up and pulled in to possibly get some pictures. I thought something was wrong because it didn't even move till I got within 30 yards of it. When it got up it was obvious it's leg was broke. I got a hold of the local authorities and they said to go ahead and shoot it and they would send me a tag in the mail. I came back out with Hogie and located it down the hill in a washout and dropped it on the spot. Soon as we walked up to it you could see it was in real poor shape. We rolled it over and it looked like it was shot just below the shoulder with a 22 or a varmit type caliber rifle and it was leaking green puss so we just left it lay for the coyotes. I called back the sherrifs dept and told them I just put it out of it's misery and wouldn't need the tag. Turns out it was a buck fawn. Kind of sad seeing him likethat..

I finally did get to go out shedding. Didn't find any sheds but found my first buck skull, so it wasn't a complete waste. Here's a pic
Hey Moose, my cousin found a skull like that last week that was green also. He put it in the dishwasher for a cycle and it came out spotless, and real white.
Yeah, I forgot to mention to do it when Momma's not around!
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