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Black Bear Hunt


PMA Member
Just wanting some info from those of you who have hunted black bear up north. My cousin has asked me if I would be interested in going with him to Ontario for a seven day bear hunt slash fishing trip. Early Sept. would be about the time frame we could go. We have looked at several outfitters and all seem to have their good and bad points. This would be our first out of state hunting trip and we don't really know what to expect. Names of reputable outfitters and any hints and tips are welcome. Thanks in advance guys.
I've been to Northern Manitoba and loved it. A bit far though
Grey Owl Outfitters....I think they usually have a booth at the classic
I hunt bears here on my own in Minnesota and I am going to manitoba in May for my first spring hunt.

Most outfitters are good and have active baits so the main thing is the accomodations and the amount of personal attention you get. ASk questions like how many baits they are running per hunter, what do they use for bait, etc. Also be sure to talk to their references, both successful and otherwise. They should be running around 90% success if they are working at it, so most of the unsuccessful ones are guys who chose not to shoot for some reason such as they were looking for a color phase, a trophy, etc.

Good luck and be sure to post how you do.
Have you been to Ontario?

If the answer is yes,..then that's all the more reason to head west to SK if you want to kill a bear. Different scenery, equal fishing, lots of color phase and on the avg. larger bears. Just food for thought.
I have been to Ontario 3 or 4 times.Each time I went was in the spring before they banned spring bear hunting.The hunting was good at that time but the fishing was GREAT.I assume in the fall you will have an opportunity for bigger bears and the fishing should be just as good.We used Canoe Canada for our outfitter.They are in Atikokin Ontario.
I have never been North of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. I think I could truly just go up in the fall and take photos and stare at the scenery,catch a few fish and come home happy without even killing a bear. I have never heard a loon's cry and never seen a bear in the wild so it will really be a trip of a lifetime for me. I am sure no matter where we go I will not want to come back. :grin: One thing I did notice is that some outfitters web sites show harvest pictures of some very small bears. I guess I would be more selective than some and would gladly come home empty handed than shoot a 100 pounder. Heck my dog is bigger than that! :D Good info so far, much appreciated. Kaare, do you know any outfitters in SK who offer bear hunts? Or heck can I throw a stand up on your back deck and stand watch over your garbage can? :grin: LOL! Ontario is not set in stone but most of the bear hunters and outfitters I've talked to so far are from there.
Ontario is going to be the closest for you I would think. If you have never seen a bear in the wild a 200lb bear is going to look like VW bug going down through woods to you. I read somewhere that bears are the #1 toughest animal to field judge in North America. Anyways, if you start talking to outfitters along with the questions Iowa1 suggested you ask, you may want to start asking along the lines of size of harvested animals.

Good luck regardless.
I'm definately no bear expert or bear hunter for that matter but no a few people that are. I think before you embark on a journey you should ask yourself if you're going to become a bear hunter or just wish to one day kill A bear.

If #1 is the answer then go for the easiest most convenient trip out there with the best opportunity for success while being with a reputable outfit.

If #2 is the answer then chew the fat on what "A" bear should be. BIIIIIG??? Black, chocolate, cinnamon, blonde???? Don't dive in headfirst on a whim if you truly hope for "the" bear. Research your options, don't let simplicity or proximity decide. In all honesty if you're looking for that once in a lifetime bear, then (unbiasedly) you should look at Sk, AB, or BC.
Prepare for a rush like you've never experienced the first time you see a bear at close range. The first bear I killed I would've sworn was 400+ pounds when I pulled the bow back. Just looked ENORMOUS! After the recovery we took it to the check station and it weighed in at 235. A nice bear, but just goes to show that a rookie is going to have a hard time field judging the size of a bear...you'll be too busy shaking in your boots :D

Been on 3 DIY bear hunts in northern Minnesota, but the next one will be to Canada as well. Got a hunkerin' for a color phase. Good luck...

I started applying for WI preference points this year. Don't know why I haven't in the past cuz it takes about 5 to get a tag in the zone my dad lives in. They've shot a good number of 500#'rs within a few miles of his house. So I guess this doesn't help since you probably want to hunt earlier than 5 years from now!:thrwrck:
I took my first bear hunt/fishing trip this past September in Western Ontario. First hunting trip out of Iowa also. Name of the lodge and outfitter was Rough Rock Lodge (www.roughrocklodge.com) and is located 45 miles north of Kenora, Ontario or about 188 miles north of International Falls. Had a fantastic time. John the lodge owner is great and will make your trip perfect in every way. I was there from 9/12 thru 9/19. They only take two hunters per week for the 4 week season. They have all the stands set up and did all the baiting before as well as while you are there. The avereage size bear in that area is 225 - 275lbs. There are larger bear in that area but this is what is considered typical. The bear I shot weighed around 230 lbs. The hunter that was in camp the week before shot one that weighed 400-425. They are set up for both bow and rifle. I shot mine with a muzzleloader. Fishing was also fantastic. Alot of walleye, smallmouth, and it is a great muskie fishery. I know that John the owner is going to have a booth at the Pheasant Fest in Des Moines next weekend the 26th thru 28th. It would be worth the trip to talk to him. I will go back and use him again. Hope this helps.
Forgot to write about it. shot him in Ontario. Got the last day while heading to the stand. He was there before me and I had to shoot him coming after me. Thought that I was another smaller bear. wanted him with a bow, but couldn't at that time.

Weighted 350 lbs dressed and had a official score of 21 1/8 inch skull which is BC.
Out of 7 hunters, 5 brought back bears and only one didn't at least pass one up. Great fishing and the camping was awesome!! This bear is not what you normally shoot in ONtario. THe avg size we shot was approx 120 lbs.

I will get the name of guide, I forgot the extact name of outfitter
Karre has some good advice as well as others. I've killed 14 bears but not one outside a do it myself hunt in Minn. I have a couple Outfitter friends in Sask that are reasonably priced and both produce great bears. I know a handfull of Ontario outfitters who will be just as successful, probably smaller bears on average, less chance at color, however, cheaper rates and closer to home means less expense.
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