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Black coyotes


New Member
Have you ever seen an all black or nearly black coyote? I saw one last night about 60 yards from my stand. I watched it through my binoculars for awhile, so I know it was a coyote and not a dog. It looked normal, except it was all black. There were some does in the field, and they kept a close eye on it, until it left the field. So, is this a rare thing, or not?
im guessing he got some dog in him, or otherwise known as a cydog. Not terribly uncommon but not an every day occurance. Seen one along I-35 last year eating road kill he was pretty scrawny.

There rare as seeing a white one . I've seen them shot but never seen one out in the wilds. Almost jet black one had a few silver hairs in it.
I don't know if this might help but a few years ago I got a black wolf and a white wolf along with a sow and three cubs all on video eating at a carcass.
I've always heard this referred to as a melanistic mutant. It's the opposite of albinism. A buddy of mine shot a real nice one like that a few years back and sold it to a taxidermist.
I'e never seen one, would be cool I've got to believe. We've got alot of dark phase foxes, but a black coyote is something I've never seen, the first one I see will be a dead one!
Years ago some friends of ours had killed a female coyote that had a couple black pups, they kept the pups. I guess they would sleep out in the snow drifts instead of in a shed and looked like dog but had the narrow snout and a bushy tail. I never seen them but that is what they told us.
I've seen dark ones before , almost black, but never had a shot at one. My uncle killed a nice one two years ago that was almost completely black. Neat looking aren't they?
Check the gallery under my name. I didn't know how to post a pic on here. I have another pic that shows the bushy tail, but the close up pic shows the guard hair on the back of the neck. My brother is getting a life size mount of it. Should look cool. I guess all black coyotes have yellow eyes. Kind of evil looking if you ask me.
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