Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Blade is ALIVE!

I was really worried that this deer didn't make it through last year. See the problem is that he lives on neighboring properties, but travels through us during the rut and to get to food and water. I had a chance at him last year while on the ground in some cedars...came into a rattling sequence to 15 yards downwind and unfortunately I couldnt get a shot before he got nervous and left. I never saw him again. I thought that he was 4 1/2 last year making him 5 1/2 this year. What do you guys think age wise? Hes got a PIG of a body on him.

He also put on a decient amount of antler growth this year...he was an low 150's 8 last year with the same flattened out G2's and has grown into an 11 this year putting on width and tine length. What do you think he would go now? I feel like I will have one crack again at this deer before he will disapear again, hopefully I'm luckier this time...so far it hasn't been going my way. The picture dated 10/4...i was on the farm...but unfortunately on the other side trying to put another doe in the freezer...guess I should have picked the stand he was headed too....or the one he was coming from :thrwrck:.




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Hard for me to guess age and score, but he does look old. Super nice deer, kill him and then tell us his score.
I got to looking at old pictures on facebook....I'm about 95% sure these are Blade back in 08' as a 3 1/2 year old...so that would make my prediction of 5 1/2 right. Unfortunately these 2 are all I have...learned a valuable lesson several weeks ago about backing up files on your computer for that one time Crash....and sorry about the quality...crappy camera and didnt have multi images like the new ones...so he was jetted out of there both times after his picture was taken not giving a second one.


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