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Blazer vanes and drop-away rests


New Member
I'm getting ready to switch to Blazer vanes, and I have a question. If I use a TrophyTaker drop-away rest, will I have to make a lot of adjustments? My friend just switched, and he said the vanes were marking up the rest, and that he was going to have to move his nock up aways, which causes him to move the peep, thus throwing the sight pins off quite a bit. I don't mind changing things a bit, I just want to know what your experience has been with these vanes. I currently use regular 4 inch vanes.
You should have no contact with a drop away rest after release. I am confused about what is happening with your buddies setup and how the vanes are marking up his rest. They shouldnt even come close unless he is having irratic arrow flight or his knock is to low from the beginning. It should stay square no matter what so you get consistent arrow flight.
You should have no contact with a drop away rest after release. I am confused about what is happening with your buddies setup and how the vanes are marking up his rest. They shouldnt even come close unless he is having irratic arrow flight or his knock is to low from the beginning. It should stay square no matter what so you get consistent arrow flight.

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Interesting . . he said the arrows were flying and grouping great. However, they were were orange vanes, and he said they were rubbing on the rest enough that they were 'painting' part of his rest orange. He is also using a TrophyTaker rest. I know the vanes are a bit taller than regular vanes, but I wouldn't have expected that to happen.
another option is to shoot cock vane up. The others are correct though.....nothing should drag accross anything leaving residue. SOme set-ups just are more finicky than others. Once set-up correctly they are bullet proof.
Is he shooting the cock vane straight down? He might have to simply twist the arrow a smidge to get clearance, I had to when I switched over to blazers.
I am using a trophy taker with no problems. As others have said there should be no contact with the trophy taker. I am shooting cock vane up but I can also shoot it down with no contact.

If he is getting contact he may want to make sure that the rest is all the way up when he still has about an inch left in his draw.
Well, it may not be a big problem after all. Spoke with him a little while ago, and he said that it works fine al long at the cock feather is not down. He thought that some of the orange was also from the 4" vanes he used to shoot after checking them. Said he might adjust things up just a bit for full clearance. I feel better about it now. Thanks for your replies.
I have to admit...I am the buddie that is being referred to. I searched the net this afternoon and found that there were a few others having this problem with their drop aways. So, I thought I'd give a little feed back on what the problem was in case it happens to someone else.

I recently got a new set of Vapor Trails put on my bow and like was stated earlier I have just switch over to the Blazer vanes. So, I started off paper tuning my setup I noticed that I was getting both good and bad results. I found this to be a little odd so I powder tested my drop away and saw that the only time I am making contact with the rest was when the cock vane was not center up. After a few adjustments of my nock point and rest I had it shooting just like it should. Now I'm finally getting the groups I was hoping for.

I personally wasn't O-K with centering the cock vane seeing how I know what my luck would be when it came down to crunch time.

Side note(question) - I switched over to the Blazers looking to increase the speed of my down range arrow flight. Right now I am or have been shooting the 3 blade Muzzys. Would the new M-4 Muzzys(lower profile) help out much with the speed seeing how I'm shooting the Blazers now or does it not make much of a difference?

Thanks for the input and for any comments on my question.
I don't shoot a drop away (I'm a Biscuit-eater), but my understanding of those rests is that they should literaly "drop away" from the arrow before the arrow fletching reaches the rest, and as a result there shouldn't be any contact with the vanes. That is - unless I'm missing something. Maybe it's not that simple? There are lots of folks here on the site who shoot a TT, so I'll leave the discussion to those who shoot one and know more about it than I do.
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