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Blazer vanes with 3 blade fixed heads


Bowhunting Addict
Anyone use blazers with 3 blade fixed heads... like the Muzzy, Wasp Hammers, etc? Will they steer the arrow adequately? Or should a larger fletch be used?
I've been using them with 3 blade muzzys and they work great. The blazers were actually designe for fixed blade broadheads.
I shoot muzzy 3blades with Quikspin Speed hunters. LOVE THEM! Thats the reason I shoot them, is so it will steer them. Otherwise my broadhead flew in a big clockwise circle.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Nug</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I shoot them with 4 blade slick tricks and they do great....</div></div>

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