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Blazer vanes


Well-Known Member
I'm headed down to CIA after work tonight to get my arrows re-fletched. For those of you guys that shoot Blazers, would it be worth it for me to get these, if I'm shooting Spitfire mechanicals, or are they mainly for use with fixed blade broadheads? Also, can you put a helical twist on Blazers, or are they too small?
the boys at CIA should be able to answer the helical question, i'm sure they have tried it before. not sure if you can get much helical, ofset might be better. if they steer fixed blade as well as they say they do, and steer field tips as well as i know they do, i can't see why mechanicals would give them any trouble
I have been shooting Blazers for a while now... and you CAN get helical on Blazers. I can tell you they fly better than any vane I've used. I have been shooting the Rocket Slammerhead for a few years, and they fly perfect. Since Rocket isn't making that head any longer, I will be switching to another head. I have tried the spitfire and they fly perfect as well... and they are SCAREY sharp! Try the blazers, you will not be disappointed. Only bit of issue I can say about them... if you hunt out of a blind and shoot thru mesh, don't shoot the blazer... we had an issue with them this year... upon practicing thru the screen on our DBL Bulls we noticed that the Blazer vaned arrows were not consistant at all with mechanical heads... this is due to the slightly higher profile they have and the mechanicals do not cut a large enough hole for the vane to pass through... other than that, they rock.
I think I'll go with the Blazers. I've never put a twist on my vanes. Is there a certain direction to twist them, or does it not matter?
You will see most guys putting on a right helical on their arrows... that is the way I do mine...

What rest do you shoot?
Cool... yeah, you should run with the Blazers, you shouldn't have any clearance issues.
those of you curious about the blazers, if you look around in archerytalk's calssifieds, there are a couple guys who will sell blazers for as low as $.14 apiece. that way you can try them without buying a crap-load at once. since its going to be so darn hot, i plan on fletching up a few mini blazers to try
Do the mini blazers have any significant advantage over the regular 2" blazer, other than just being smaller?
Only bit of issue I can say about them... if you hunt out of a blind and shoot thru mesh, don't shoot the blazer... we had an issue with them this year... upon practicing thru the screen on our DBL Bulls we noticed that the Blazer vaned arrows were not consistant at all with mechanical heads... this is due to the slightly higher profile they have and the mechanicals do not cut a large enough hole for the vane to pass through... other than that, they rock.

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Not sure if the Blazer was the issue with shooting through the mesh on the blind. I don't think it is recommended that you shoot any mechanical head through the mesh. The mesh wants to open the blades and create poor flight patterns.

I put the mesh all the way up and don't shoot through it. I had the same combo as you, Rocket heads and Blazers...you got to love it!

We've always shot thru the mesh for our videos... we just double up on the rubber bands, haven't had an issue with them opening. As soon as we shot the shorter flex fletch vanes, the issue of being irratic was gone... so it was the blazers throwing the arrow off a bit.
I don't know if they still have this option or not...but a year ago I called Bohning and told them I wanted to try the Blazers. They sent me a sample pack with enough to fletch 3 arrows. No cost at all.

A really cheap guy could take of advantage of this very easily and fletch up a dozen for free. (I didn't do this!)
I don't know if they still have this option or not...but a year ago I called Bohning and told them I wanted to try the Blazers. They sent me a sample pack with enough to fletch 3 arrows. No cost at all.

A really cheap guy could take of advantage of this very easily and fletch up a dozen for free. (I didn't do this!)

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bukket, we've seen you in uniform. I don't know if I believe you.
I finally got a chance to shoot last night with my new arrows fletched with the blazers. Are blazers designed to stabilize an arrow down range better, say at 30 yards better than 20? The only reason I ask is because at 20 yards, my arrows seem to be a little unstable and the grouping isn't what I expected. At 30 yards, they seem to balance out and my groups were very tight. Maybe I just need to paper tune my bow and tweek it a little bit. Also, my arrows with the blazer vanes seem to actually shoot better with my muzzy broadheads than with field points. Doesn't that seem backwards?
Blazer Vanes were designed for fixed-blade broadheads, that is why they fly so well. The only thing I can think of as to why your groups at 20 are off a bit is that the rear of your arrow is now lighter and it is taking a bit longer for it to recover down range, try shooting a lighter grained tip once and see what happens.
I know the vanes are clearing the rest with no contact. That was my first thought also. I have a brand new pack of 100 grain Muzzy. I really don't want to go out and buy new ones. Is there anything else I can try in order to correct the problem. Possibly moving my knock point?
I wouldn't mess with your nock point, especially if your arrows are hitting their mark at 30 yds plus. Have you shot it thru paper to see how it is tearing? If it's punching a clean hole, changing your np will only make things worse.
Not yet, I plan on doing that next. I'm putting a new string on it as soon as it comes in, so I'll probably paper tune it then.
If anybody is looking for more Blazers, I noticed the Bass Pro sale catalog that showed up this week has them for $9.99 / 100 pack.
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