Active Member
OK Iowa Whitetails Forever has a new blog that will contain addition information about legislative issue over and above the call to actions we will be asking registered members to respond to. There is also an RSS feed available so you’ll be able to follow the blog effortlessly.
If you have not been to the web site and read the content please do and consider becoming a minuteman in the cause to "Preserve Iowa's Deer Hunting Heritage"
If you have been to the web site, revisit, as the tabs have been updated to provided a clear vision of our goal.
Forward the web address to your address book and help us make this Cause go viral on the web.
Big thanks to Ryan Rudd for banner and logo design work, Larry Zach for banner art and Ryan Case of Case Innovations for website design. Also thanks to OneCam for a great platform here to jump from.
OK Iowa Whitetails Forever has a new blog that will contain addition information about legislative issue over and above the call to actions we will be asking registered members to respond to. There is also an RSS feed available so you’ll be able to follow the blog effortlessly.
If you have not been to the web site and read the content please do and consider becoming a minuteman in the cause to "Preserve Iowa's Deer Hunting Heritage"
If you have been to the web site, revisit, as the tabs have been updated to provided a clear vision of our goal.
Forward the web address to your address book and help us make this Cause go viral on the web.
Big thanks to Ryan Rudd for banner and logo design work, Larry Zach for banner art and Ryan Case of Case Innovations for website design. Also thanks to OneCam for a great platform here to jump from.